King's Kids Academy - Salisbury MD Licensed Child Care Center

500 East Lincoln Avenue , Salisbury MD 21804
(410) 341-7475
1 Review

About the Provider

Description: Our mission is to teach children character building, respect and self-worth. We want the children to know that it is very important to believe in themselves and love themselves.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: 94842
  • Capacity: 54
  • Age Range: 6 weeks through 17 months, 18 months through 23 months, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, 5 years, 5 years to 15 years
  • Achievement and/or Accreditations Maryland State Department of Education
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
  • Schools Served: Prince Street School
  • District Office: Region 9 - Lower Shore Office
  • District Office Phone: (410) 713-3430 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Date Type Regulations Status
2023-12-12 Mandatory Review 13A.16.03.05B Corrected
Findings: Staffing pattern posted in the Preschool room is not accurate.
2023-12-12 Mandatory Review 13A.16.03.06A(2) Corrected
Findings: 2 staff members are no longer employed with the center and the specialist was not notified within 5 days.
2023-12-12 Mandatory Review 13A.16.06.12A(3) Corrected
Findings: Aide did not complete Basic Health and Safety within 90 days of employment.
2023-12-12 Mandatory Review 13A.16.09.01C(5) Corrected
Findings: Children in Preschool room were eating snack and watching something on Television.
2023-12-12 Mandatory Review 13A.16.11.03A Corrected
Findings: No posted handwashing procedure in Toddler room.
2023-01-03 Full 13A.16.03.03D Corrected
Findings: Specialist observed 9 children's file that did not have the signed parent handbook acknowledgment form verifying that they have received information as required in this regulation. The director will get families to update the forms.
2023-01-03 Full 13A.16.06.02 Corrected
Findings: The specialist did not observe copies of staff orientation forms for 3 staff members. The director reviewed the center policies and procedures with the staff during the inspection and submitted the signed staff orientation form to the specialist.
2023-01-03 Full 13A.16.09.01C(6) Corrected
Findings: Director does not have proof that parents have received information regarding the screen time policy. The Director will update the handbook to include information regarding the screen time policy. Director will have parents sign the updated handbook acknowledgment sheet.
2023-01-03 Full 13A.16.12.04F(3) Corrected
Findings: Specialist observed the thermometer in the kitchen refrigerator that read a temperature of 45 degrees. The director adjusted the temperature at the time of inspection.
2021-12-06 Mandatory Review 13A.16.03.04C Corrected
Findings: Specialist observed emergency cards that did not have the annual update. Director is also using obsolete emergency cards. Director will update all emergency cards.
2021-12-06 Mandatory Review 13A.16.03.05B Corrected
Findings: The specialist did not observe a accurate staffing pattern posted in the 3 year old room. Specialist will update the staffing pattern and submit a new and accurate one to the office.
2021-01-14 Full 13A.16.03.05A Corrected
Findings: Director will submit an updated personnel form to the office by 2/5/21.
2021-01-14 Full 13A.16.03.05C Corrected
Findings: Specialist observed some staff files who have outdated medical reports, missing Release of information forms, and missing continued training. Director will send in all missing information by 2/5/21.
2020-05-07 Other
Findings: No Noncompliances Found
2019-11-14 Mandatory Review
Findings: No Noncompliances Found

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


MommyP 2013-10-18 19:53:08

My child began her education here at the age of 1 and she absolutely fell in love with learning. Mrs. Douglas and her staff are great with teaching and keeping the kids entertained. I would recommend this Child Care Center to anyone in the area. The building could use a little maintenance but overall a great place for learning before school.

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