Bundles Of Joy Child Care Center - Salisbury MD Licensed Child Care Center

1409 South Division Street , Salisbury MD 21804
(410) 341-0333
2 Reviews

About the Provider

Description: Our program is based on several ideals. The first is that all children are different. We design our program to encourage each child to develop at their own rate, focusing on social, emotional, physical, intellectual, and language development. We help your child to discover his or her gifts as well as develop a positive self-esteem.

The best way for a child to learn is to provide hands-on experiences that are fun! Children learn through play, and, when a structured curriculum is woven into this play, the child will learn without even realizing it!

A child-centered environment that is clean and safe is essential for a child’s growth and comfort. We design our center and activities around the children and offer them many activities that are age and developmentally appropriate.

Parents are an extremely important part of our center. We are dedicated to developing and maintaining a positive and open relationship with all of our parents! Children need to see a strong relationship between their caregivers and parents in order to feel comfortable in their new environment, just as parents need to have peace of mind about sending their child to this environment.

Our goal is to provide the best care for both our children and our parents! We will encourage each child to learn new skills, but will not force him or her beyond his/her capabilities. We also want our parents to feel that they have chosen a learning center that will provide a safe, comfortable and stable environment for their child. We welcome any information, ideas, or suggestions that you may have, and we will always maintain an open door policy. We understand the difficulties involved with choosing the right center for your family’s needs.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: 66762
  • Capacity: 130
  • Age Range: 6 weeks through 17 months, 18 months through 23 months, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, 5 years, 5 years to 15 years
  • Achievement and/or Accreditations Maryland State Department of Education
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
  • Schools Served: Fruitland Primary
  • District Office: Region 9 - Lower Shore Office
  • District Office Phone: (410) 713-3430 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Date Type Regulations Status
2023-05-17 Full
Findings: No Noncompliances Found
2023-02-07 Complaint 13A.16.03.05B Corrected
Findings: Staffing Patterns were not posted in the lower campus, the building which houses the infant/toddler classrooms.
2023-02-07 Complaint 13A.16.04.01B Corrected
Findings: When this Licensing Specialist arrived at the center around 7:30 am, there were 11 children under 24 months in Room 4, Peapods III. This classroom is approved for a capacity of 9 children.
2023-02-07 Complaint 13A.16.08.01A(2)(b) Corrected
Findings: In Room 4, Peapods III, there were 11 children under 24 months with 3 teacher. Because the staff/ child ratio (1 staff for every 3 children under 24 months) was not being met, there was not adequate supervision.
2023-02-07 Complaint 13A.16.08.03C(1) Corrected
Findings: At 7:30 am on 2/7/2023 there were 11 children under 24 months with 3 teachers in Room 4, Peapods III. This is the room where parents drop off their children in the morning and as the teachers arrive they pick up their children and take them to classrooms, by 8:15 am there were 9 children under 24 months with 3 teacher. Even though the room's capacity is 9 children, there should have only been 6 children in the room, since all the children were under 18 months old.
2022-05-27 Mandatory Review
Findings: No Noncompliances Found
2021-05-28 Full
Findings: No Noncompliances Found
2020-08-21 Mandatory Review 13A.16.03.06A(1) Corrected
Findings: There was one new staff person hired on 7/13/2020 that was not reported to the OCC within 5 days of hire.
2020-08-21 Mandatory Review 13A.16.03.06A(2) Corrected
Findings: There were 4 staff that were not reported that left center within 5 days of last day.
2020-08-21 Mandatory Review 13A.16.06.09B(1) Corrected
Findings: One teacher-preschool did not complete the 12 hours of continued training in the time frame based on her hire date.
2020-08-21 Mandatory Review 13A.16.08.02B Corrected
Findings: There is one staff that is working towards completing the requirements of the position without a variance being filed giving permission to use this person in that position.
2020-05-08 Other
Findings: No Noncompliances Found
2019-05-01 Full 13A.16.10.01A(3)(c) Corrected
Findings: Emergency drills have not been practiced as required twice a year.
2019-05-01 Full 13A.16.03.06A(2) Corrected
Findings: OCC was not notified within 5 days of staff leaving.
2019-05-01 Full 13A.16.06.12B Corrected
Findings: Two aides need to compete the aide orientation.

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


Lauren Townsend 2022-12-15 00:41:05

I have worked at this center for over two years now as well as currently having my kid enrolled. The staff here at bundles take the absolute best care of each and every employee. I am honored to work here and grateful for their loving care of my child. Please do not listen to the below review, the woman is delusional and sent threatening messages to myself and then edited it to look like I sent them. Luckily I work for the most wonderful of bosses who know my true character and could also see through her poor photo editing skills. I promise any child who comes to this center is treated with the utmost love, care, concern, and compassion.

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The girl you harassed 2021-12-13 15:43:06
I have used this provider for more than 6 months

The owner and staff at this establishment are more concerned about sending death threats to other teachers in other states then caring for the children at your facility I have received a Haitian death threat via Facebook messenger from Lauren town send. I reached out to the Director and nothing was done not even a response I’m convinced they run some type of cult here.

44 out of 85 think this review is helpful
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