Kids Korner Childcare & Pre-K, LLC - Crossett AR Child Care Center

1185 Hwy 133 N , Crossett AR 71635
(870) 364-8674

About the Provider

Description: Kids Korner Childcare & Pre-K, LLC is a Child Care Center in Crossett AR, with a maximum capacity of 51 children. This child care center helps with children in the age range of Infant/Toddler; Preschool; . The provider also participates in a subsidized child care program.

Additional Information: 1 Stars Better Beginnings;

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: 30342
  • Capacity: 51
  • Age Range: Infant/Toddler; Preschool;
  • Rate Range Infant 0 to 18 Months-$28.00 per Day (7 Hours or More) Infant 0 to 18 Months-$37.00 per Day (Less than 7 Hours) Preschool 30 to 72 Months-$37.00 per Day (Less than 7 Hours) Preschool 30 to 72 Months-$28.00 per Day (7 Hours or More) Preschool 30 to 72 Months-$17.40 per Day (7 Hours or More) School Age 60 to 156 Months-$8.27 per Day (Less than 7 Hours) School Age 60 to 156 Months-$22.40 per Day (Less than 7 Hours) School Age 60 to 156 Months-$16.53 per Day (7 Hours or More) School Age 60 to 156 Months-$17.50 per Day (7 Hours or More) Toddler 18 to 36 Months-$19.75 per Day (Less than 7 Hours) Toddler 18 to 36 Months-$37.00 per Day (Less than 7 Hours) Toddler 18 to 36 Months-$28.00 per Day (7 Hours or More) Toddler 18 to 36 Months-$19.75 per Day (7 Hours or More)
  • State Rating: 2
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
  • District Office: 700 Main Street, Little Rock 72201
  • District Office Phone: - (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)
  • Licensor: Jeannie Gray ([email protected])

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Visit/Complaint Date Type Details
2023-10-03 Facility Visit No Violations Cited
2023-09-27 Facility Visit No Violations Cited
2023-09-15 Facility Visit For ages two and one-half (2 ½) and above, ratios may be exceeded momentarily as long as children are never left unattended and at least one (1) staff member remains in the classroom with the children. (This would apply to situations such as brief absences for bathroom breaks or to take a sick or injured child to the Director’s office.)
2023-08-02 Facility Visit Individual towels, paper towels, or forced air dryers shall be within the reach of children.
2023-07-24 Facility Complaint 1100.1102.1 - Individual towels, paper towels, or forced air dryers shall be within the reach of children.
2023-06-02 Facility Visit No Violations Cited
2023-01-19 Facility Visit No Violations Cited
2022-11-29 Facility Visit No Violations Cited
2021-11-09 Facility Visit 1100.1101.17.Garbage and soiled diapers shall be kept in closed containers. Garbage and trash shall be removed from the center daily and from the grounds at least once a week.
200.201.4.Parents shall be informed in writing upon enrollment of their child that children may be subject to interviews by licensing staff, child maltreatment investigators, or law enforcement officials for the purpose of determining licensing compliance or for investigative purposes. Child interviews do not require parental notice or consent.
300.306.4.01.All new staff, including volunteers who are counted in the ratios, shall receive the following orientation within three (3) months of employment (and every three (3) years thereafter) and shall not be left alone with children until this is completed.Introduction (eight (8) clock hours) a. Proper supervision of children; b. Behavioral guidance practices; c. Safe sleep practices for infants; d. Shaken baby syndrome; which includes prevention (Carters Law, Act 1208); e. Appropriately responding to a crying or fussy infant or child; f. Emergency procedures in the event of severe weather, or fire, including evacuation procedures and routes, and location and use of fire extinguishers; g. Mandated reporter training; h. Administering medication; i. Caring for children with special needs or care plans; j. Transportation and car seat safety; k. Policies regarding release of children to authorized individuals; l. Prevention and control of infectious diseases; m. Building and physical premises safety, including the identification of, and protection from, hazards, bodies of water, and vehicular traffic; n. Nutrition and physical activities; o. Prevention and response to food sensitivities and allergic reactions; p. Basic child development; and q. The handling and storage of hazardous materials and the appropriate disposal of bio contaminants. See Division website for a list of courses, that the Division maintains contracts for, which meet the above requirements.
600.604.1.a.The child care facility shall maintain a record for each child in care which shall be on site. Records for children no longer enrolled may be maintained off site. Childrens records shall contain the following information:Application form which includes childs name, date of birth, and address, name of parent or guardian, telephone numbers (home and business), work hours of parents or guardians, and date of enrollment in facility;
600.604.1.h.The child care facility shall maintain a record for each child in care which shall be on site. Records for children no longer enrolled may be maintained off site. Childrens records shall contain the following information:An authorized record of up-to-date immunizations or documentation of a religious, medical, or philosophical exemption from the Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) (Updated immunization schedules will be provided as changes are received from the ADH);
2021-10-05 Facility Visit No Violations Cited
2021-06-30 Facility Visit No Violations Cited
2021-06-21 Facility Visit No Violations Cited
2021-06-15 Facility Visit 1000.1002.1.There shall be a labeled, individual cot or mat, bottom sheet, and adequate cover for each child in care during rest time.
900.902.2.Equipment that has been determined by the Division to be unsafe for the children in the licensed facility to use shall be removed from the play area or enclosed by a fence or other suitable barrier so the children will not have access to it.
2021-06-08 Facility Visit 300.301.2.a.The following staff child ratios shall be maintained: Ages of Children Number of Staff Number of Children Ages of Children: Birth 18 months Number of Staff: 1 Number of Children: 5
900.909.1.There shall be use zones and protective surfacing under and around all equipment that is over eighteen inches (18") in height at the highest accessible point. The highest accessible point is defined as the highest surface on the piece of equipment where children would stand or sit when the equipment is being used as intended. Use zones shall extend a minimum of six feet (6') in all directions (unless otherwise specified) from the perimeter of the equipment. (Playground equipment that is between eighteen inches (18") and twenty-four inches (24") at the highest accessible point and that was installed prior to the enforcement date of this revision is allowable without protective surfacing, as long as it meets all other requirements.)
2021-05-25 Facility Visit 1000.1002.1.There shall be a labeled, individual cot or mat, bottom sheet, and adequate cover for each child in care during rest time.
300.301.2.b.The following staff child ratios shall be maintained: Ages of Children Number of Staff Number of Children Ages of Children: 18 months 36 months Number of Staff: 1 Number of Children: 8
300.306.5.a.The Director, Assistant Director or Site Supervisor, and fifty percent (50%) of the facility staff that are on site at any given time shall have a certificate of successful completion of first aid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) from an approved organization. If the facility serves infants and toddlers, this training shall include infant and child CPR. (Infant and child CPR may be included in the basic course or in a separate course.)The curriculum shall conform to current American Heart Association or American Red Cross guidelines;
700.702.10.Bottles and sippy cups shall be labeled with the childs name and shall be refrigerated.

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


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