Kiddieland Educational Center Excellence - Chicago IL Day Care Center

(773) 202-1199

About the Provider

Description: We are an educational institution with more than fifteen years of professional experiences in early childhood education.

Our Philosophyoffers the right start for children, focusing on the process of learning so that they develop not only skills but also a love for learning. Show a powerful strong and unconditional respect for children and their ideas, feelings, experiences, and connections within their life. For us, care and learning go hand in hand.

Our Missionis to give children a solid foundation to build upon for their future academic success. With a more than exceptional care and learning, they will gain the excellence of a healthier, more productive life.

Our Goalis for your child to be happy and comfortable during his or her stay each day to allow you to head off to your daily routine with peace of mind. While you are busy during the day, your child is busy learning and growing.

We Envision a learning environment, excellent people and resources, where promotion of lifelong learning, critical thinking, joy, honesty and character are honored as capabilities of every child. This is the combination that makes Kiddieland a great place for your child to learn and develop.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: 512609
  • Capacity: 116
  • Age Range: 6W TO 12Y
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
  • Current License Issue Date: 2015-02-17
  • District Office: Department of Children & Family Services
  • District Office Phone: (877) 746-0829 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map


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