Description: The mission of Khyle BreNaj Kiddie Kollege is to provide quality care that supports basic needs. Our goal is to maintain an environment that enhances the social, emotional, and intellectual growth of our children. As a result, we maintain in our minds that children are individuals and should be treated as such and they thrive in an environment where they feel nurtured and safe.
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I used to love this school. The quality was good before the owners wife left. Now it’s just him and his administrative assistant Ms. Campbell running the place. He’s in it for the money and she’s in it for the power. She hits the children. Workers have complained that that’s what she does and my own daughter told me that she would hit and pinch her. I called ACS they came and spoke to the kids. The kids that were scared of Ms. Campbell. This school has had so many complaints and according to ACS it’s the daycares job to notify parents. It’s not right what they are doing to these kids and she locks kids in the bathroom with the lights off and says “WHEW!!! That felt good” if she doesn’t like the kid. I say this because I love all kids and I wouldn’t want anyone to go through what I’ve been through with my child as a result of the abuse that happened at this daycare. He refuses to fire her so she’s still around hitting kids. Look elsewhere.