Description: The SIUE Head Start/Early Head Start Program is a nationally recognized quality early childhood education program that promotes school readiness for children and self-sufficiency for families. Services are available to St. Clair County expectant parents and families of children ages six weeks to five years old. The Head Start Program currently provides services to 1,314 children and families and the Early Head Start Program serves 188 children and families. Both programs include children with specialized needs and English as Second Language Learners (ESL).
Program options for both programs include part-day (3.5 hours) and (5.5 hours), full-day (7.5 hours) and home-based.
The SIUE Head Start/Early Head Start Program is funded through a $10.7 million grant from the Department of Health and Human Services, the Office of Head Start.
The SIUE Head Start /Early Head Start Program is the winner of six National Head Start Association Awards
The SIUE Head Start/Early Head Start mission is to provide quality individualized comprehensive services that empower children, families, and staff from diverse backgrounds in order to achieve success.
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