Foulk Preschool (carpenter Station Road) - Wilmington DE Licensed Child Care Center

(302) 529-1580

About the Provider

Description: Foulk Pre-School & Day Care Center is a family-owned business where children can flourish in a safe, inviting learning environment guided by experienced teachers who are focused on your child's development. Our owners are very actively involved in the center, and offer more than 37 years of experience and stability. Children feel at home within our walls, and customers love that we're not like a large franchise day care.

Additional Information:

Initial Licensed Date: October 2003

40 Years of Providing Quality & Affordable Childcare

Accepts Purchase of Care

Financial Arrangements: Purchase of Care, Child Care Food Program; On Enforcement: ON PROBATION; Special Conditions: Regulated Services:; Stars Rating: Four Stars; Reported Injuries & Deaths: 2013: 1 facility injury and no facility deaths reported.
2014: 2 facility injuries and no facility deaths reported.
2015: 4 facility injuries and no facility deaths reported.;

Program and Licensing Details

  • Capacity: 60
  • Age Range: 1 year through 12 years.
  • State Rating: 4
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
  • Transportation: Field Trips, To/From School
  • Initial License Issue Date: 2003-10-31
  • District Office: State of Delaware, Office of Child Care Licensing
  • District Office Phone: 1-800-822-2236 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)
  • Licensor: [email protected]

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Date Type Regulation Code Status
2019-12-23 Non Compliance 23U - Center Policies-Parent/Guardian Handbook Corrected
Corrective Action: Submit an updated parent handbook incorporating all policies in the 2019 regulations.
2019-12-23 Non Compliance 66U - Emergency Planning Corrected
Corrective Action: Submit an updated emergency plan.
2019-11-07 Non Compliance 51U - Toilet Facilities Corrected
Corrective Action: Provide a thermometer reading 0 degrees F or below for one freezer.
2019-11-07 Non Compliance 16U - Insurance Coverage Corrected
Corrective Action: Provide documentation of current insurance.
2019-11-07 Non Compliance 47U - Smoking and Vaping Corrected
Corrective Action: Remove all fragrance plug-ins.
2019-11-07 Non Compliance 40U - Child Files Corrected
Corrective Action: Children's files must contain all elements. Hours/days of attendance are needed for one child; current health appraisals with immunizations are needed for three children. Current PRTK forms are needed for all children.
2019-11-07 Non Compliance 30U - Personnel Files Corrected
Corrective Action: Provide copies of elements missing from staff files. Professional development plans are needed for three staff members; annual abuse and neglect acknowledgements are needed for five staff members; a job description, an eligibility letter, an adult abuse check, service letters and CPR/FA certification are needed for one staff member.
2019-11-07 Non Compliance 48U - Heating and Cooling Corrected
Corrective Action: Maintain correct classroom air temperatures. Temperatures varied between 62 and 66 degrees F. not the required minimum of 68 degrees F. There was no electricity for a few hours beginning at 9:03 am. It was returned to working order at approx. 11:30 am. The temperatures were rising prior to the specialist's departure.
2019-11-07 Non Compliance 36U - Staff Attendance Corrected
Corrective Action: All staff must sign in to each classroom upon arrival.
2019-11-07 Non Compliance 49U - Indoor Space Corrected
Corrective Action: Submit photos of all of the bathrooms after a thorough cleaning.
2019-11-07 Non Compliance 58U - Sanitation Corrected
Corrective Action: Provide and use soap and water for each changing area.
2019-11-07 Non Compliance 53U - Outdoor Area Corrected
Corrective Action: Remove hazards from the playground (rusty, broken classroom chairs.)
2019-11-07 Non Compliance 38U - Parents Right to Know Corrected
Corrective Action: Submit a Parent's Right to Know log.
2019-11-07 Non Compliance 26U - Staffing Corrected
Corrective Action: Provide documentation of an administrator's presence at least 60% of hours of operation.
2019-11-07 Non Compliance 45U - Hazardous Materials Corrected
Corrective Action: Submit radon and lead risk assessment results.

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


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