Forest Hills Nursery And Kindergarten - Forest Hills NY Child Care - Pre School

108-56 69 AVENUE , FOREST HILLS NY 11375
(718) 544-3692

About the Provider

Description: The purpose of this establishment is to provide for the education of pre-school children. We accept children ages 2-5 years old. We will seek the social, emotional, and intellectual development of the child. Pre-school children are at a stage in their lives where a major growth of their intelligence occurs; therefore this is the TIME to give our children a positive foundation that they will have for their future benefit.

Additional Information: Years in Operation: 11 or more

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: 4429
  • Capacity: 26
  • Age Range: 2 YEARS - 5 YEARS
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
  • District Office: New York City Department of Health
  • District Office Phone: 311 or (212) NEW-YOR (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Date Type Regulations Status
2019-03-13 47.19(c) CORRECTED
Brief Description: Violations requiring immediate correction (Public Health Hazards)<br/> Child care service failed to arrange/conduct criminal/SCR background clearance checks for required individuals; failed to re-clear required individuals with the SCR every two years.
2019-03-13 47.37(a)(1) OPEN
Brief Description: Violations requiring correction within two weeks (Critical Violations)<br/> At time of inspection it was determined that child care service failed to ensure staff received required training within time frames and/or failed to maintain training records.
2019-03-13 Minor violations (General Violations) 47.19(i) CORRECTED
Brief Description: Child care service failed to conduct business and employment reference checks of staff/volunteers.
2019-03-13 Minor violations (General Violations) 47.25(a)(1) CORRECTED
Brief Description: At time of inspection child care service unable to document that all children enrolled have had an age appropriate medical evaluation.
2019-03-13 Minor violations (General Violations) 47.33(b) CORRECTED
Brief Description: At time of inspection it was determined that child care service allows staff to perform their duties that are Not healthy or are incapable of carrying out their duties. Staff medical clearances are Not maintained by child care service.
2019-03-13 Minor violations (General Violations) 47.33(c) CORRECTED
Brief Description: Staff failed to obtain proof of immunization; Except for exempt staff, required staff immunizations were not submitted to child care service; records not confidential.
2018-04-13 Minor violations (General Violations) 47.33(c) CORRECTED
Brief Description: Staff failed to obtain proof of immunization; Except for exempt staff, required staff immunizations were not submitted to child care service; records not confidential.
2017-03-24 47.43 (h)(1) CORRECTED
Brief Description: Violations requiring correction within two weeks (Critical Violations)<br/> At time of inspection diaper changing counter not properly constructed. Diaper changing area observed not to be adjacent to a hand wash sink with adequate hot and cold running water.
2017-02-01 47.03 (a) CORRECTED
Brief Description: Violations requiring immediate correction (Public Health Hazards)<br/> Child care service operating without a permit; Permit expired.
2017-02-01 47.23 (c) CORRECTED
Brief Description: Violations requiring correction within two weeks (Critical Violations)<br/> Education Director or equivalent was not present at the time of inspection to supervise children/staff in an infant/toddler program.
2017-02-01 47.47 (a) CORRECTED
Brief Description: Minor violations (General Violations)<br/> Appropriate outdoor play area not provided or maintained at the time of inspection.
2017-02-01 47.59 (b) CORRECTED
Brief Description: Violations requiring immediate correction (Public Health Hazards)<br/> Fire extinguishers observed not to be inspected or maintained at time of inspection.

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


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Review Policy: does not actively screen or monitor user reviews, nor do we verify or edit content. Reviews reflect only the opinion of the writer. We ask that users follow our review guidelines. If you see a review that does not reflect these guidelines, you can email us. We will assess the review and decide the appropriate next step. Please note – we will not remove a review simply because it is negative. Providers are welcome to respond to parental reviews, however we ask that they identify themselves as the provider.

Providers in ZIP Code 11375