Description: Dove's Nest After School Program is a Large Group and School Age Child Care (Group Child Care) in ROCKLAND MA, with a maximum capacity of 165 children. This child care center helps with children in the age range of toddlers to 6 grade. The provider also participates in a subsidized child care program.
Provider has EEC Contract.Provider First Licensed on:1978. Serving the South Shore for over 38 years.
Financial Assistance Accepted:|Contracted Slots||Voucher|.Write a review about Dove's Nest After School Program. Let other families know what’s great, or what could be improved. Please read our brief review guidelines to make your review as helpful as possible.
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This daycare is hands down the absolute best. Within the last year I’ve seen the staff really prove to be the best on the south shore. Their knowledge and training shows every day. I’m so glad my child is with such honest and loving teachers. Their recommendations, curriculum, and caring environment is so comforting.
On Friday, January 10, 2020 between approximately 5PM and 530PM I personally witnessed the Director of Dove’s Nest, Linda Najarian, holding a child in what can only be described as a human straight jacket for a prolonged period of time. Director Najarian forcibly held the child’s wrists across the child’s body while the child cried and screamed, “Let me go!” This restraint occurred for minutes, not seconds. It happened in the main office while parents, teachers, and other children passed by and into the office. I can only imagine the humiliation the child must have felt. I had stopped into the office to discuss a change in the “sick child” policy and Director Najarian tried to have that conversation with me while holding onto the child. Another teacher eventually came into the room and calmed the child down without force. On Wednesday, January 15, 2020 an entire classroom of kids were taken on a walking field trip through Rockland without parental knowledge. We were not given notice despite our child having a signed form on file stating that we must be given notice and consent prior to removing our child from the building. We like the teachers at Dove’s Nest and our child has many friends within the school. These issues at the school have only started recently with the addition of Director Linda Najarian. After a short email exchange we requested a meeting with the President of the facility, Beatrice Borden, in an attempt to smooth over the trust that is being eroded between parents and the administration and it was refused.
This is a messy situation because it involves the facility that we trust with the care of our child. Until recently, we have had no reason to question that trust. Our child enjoys attending the preschool, has many friends, and is only months from entering kindergarten. However, between what I saw and the last line of the most recent email where it seems as though we are being threatened to move on or sever ties with Dove’s Nest, we feel like we are being brushed off despite some serious concerns. It isn’t like we are being picky about peeling paint or misspelled words in the handbook.
We are currently collecting information from any parents or teachers that wish to come forward with any concerns. If you have any information please email [email protected].