Description: Club K After School Zone is a locally owned and operated after school program established in 2006 to provide high quality extended day programs in local elementary schools for children ages 5 - 12. The two founders have a combined total of 25+ years experience working with young children, having owned and operated high quality childcare centers, including a nationally accredited program serving 150+ children. Each location is staffed with a caring and qualified staff led by a Site Director who is responsible for all aspects of the program at a particular school location. Our Program Director directly oversees the Site Directors and is in the field every day to ensure the highest standards of quality and safety are met and to support the site staff. Our Program Director has worked for us for 5 years and many of our Site Directors and staff have been with us since the beginning!
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Club K has set policies that discriminate against certain children based on religious beliefs and perceived physics disabilities (these are Club K policies, not state requirements).
They do not sign any of their communication and thus it is difficult to get a straight answer as to why they would behave in this manner.
They also chose to close down their services for a large amount of days and had the audacity to charge parents for this time. The schools never closed, but club K decided to close. There was a lot of hoops to jump through and they required very personal information before even considering giving a credit for this time period. This has been such a hardship on my family.
I am working with the school to get another childcare service in place as I know other parents have also complained.
I would not under an circumstances recommend this company.