Bumblebee Early Learning Center - Newark NJ Regular Child Care Center

444 Central Avenue , Newark NJ 07107
(973) 504-7070
1 Review

About the Provider

Description: Bumblebee Early Learning Center is a Regular Child Care Center in Newark NJ, with a maximum capacity of 90 children. This child care center helps with children in the age range of 0 - 13 years. The provider also participates in a subsidized child care program.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: 160300237
  • Capacity: 90
  • Age Range: 0 - 13 years
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
  • Current License Expiration Date: Jul 29, 2025
  • District Office: New Jersey Dept of Children and Families - Office of Licensing
  • District Office Phone: 1-877-667-9845 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Date Cited Date Abated Regulation Number
2023-01-12 2023-01-13 3A:52-5.2(b)
An applicant seeking a license or a Certificate of Life/Safety Approval to operate a center shall comply with all applicable provisions of the New Jersey Uniform Fire Code, as specified in N.J.A.C. 5:70 and hereinafter referred to as the NJUFC. The center shall obtain the building's fire safety inspection certificate issued by the municipality in which it is located, based on a fire inspection conducted within the preceding 12 months, reflecting the center's compliance with all applicable provisions of the NJUFC. The center shall maintain on file the building's fire safety inspection certificate.

Violation Observed: Ensure that the center's fire protective systems are operative at all times. At the time of the inspection, the fire panel was in trouble. During the inspection, administration contacted the fire monitoring company who indicated signal was being received. The monitoring company was scheduled to completed repairs. Provide documentation to OOL from fire monitoring company indicating the repairs are complete and signal is being received.
2022-11-14 2023-01-12 3A:52-4.3(c)
The following staff/child ratios shall apply, except as specified in 3A:52-4.3(d) through (f):Age Staff/Child RatioUnder 18 months - 1:418 months up to 2 ½ years - 1:62 ½ years up to 4 years - 1:104 years - 1:125 years and older - 1:15

Violation Observed: Ensure that adequate staff/child ratios are maintained at all times throughout the center. Two staff members were present with 11 children 18 months and younger wherein 3 staff members were required in room 3.
2022-09-26 2023-01-12 3A:52-5.3(a)(1)
Indoor maintenance and sanitation requirements are as follows: the center shall be free of moisture resulting from water leaks or seepage.

Violation Observed: Eliminate moisture resulting from leaks or seepage in room 2. At the time of the inspection, a ceiling tile had collapsed down from moisture.
2022-09-26 2022-11-14 3A:52-6.4(i)
Children shall not use pacifiers with straps or other types of attachment devices.

Violation Observed: Cease the use of pacifier straps in room 3.
2022-08-16 2022-09-26 3A:52-6.4(b)(1)(ii)
The center shall provide sleeping equipment for children 12 months of age and younger, the center shall provide for each child a crib, that complies with the Consumer Product Safety Commission's (CPSC) Federal Safety Standards for Full- Size and Non-Full-Size Baby Cribs; 16 CFR 1219 and 1220, which is incorporated herein by reference, and can be obtained through the CPSC's website at https://www.cpsc.gov/Safety-Education/Safety- Education-Centers/cribs , playpen, or other Office of Licensing-approved sleeping equipment that meets the following requirement that sleeping equipment shall be free of pillows and soft bedding, including, but not limited to bumper pads, when occupied by a sleeping child.

Violation Observed: Ensure that sleeping equipment is free of pillows and blankets in room 3. At the time of the inspection, an infant was wrapped in a blanket sleeping on top of a boppy.
2022-07-22 2022-08-16 3A:52-5.2(a)(5)
The center shall be permitted to obtain a valid fire safety inspection certificate issued by the municipality in which it is located, based on a fire inspection conducted within the preceding 12 months, and submit a copy of the certificate to the Office of Licensing in lieu of a CO or CCO, if the center serves only children 2 ½ years of age or older and is located in a public school building that is used as a public school.

Violation Observed: Based on information received from property management for the City of Newark, develop a plan for exiting the outdoor play area. 8/1/2022- At time of inspection, gate was still locked on outdoor play area. Submit an MOU with Plan of Action to ensure safe egress from room 3 and outdoor play area. 8/2/2022- MOU received, awaiting agreement completion.
2022-07-15 2022-08-01 3A:52-4.3(c)
The following staff/child ratios shall apply, except as specified in 3A:52-4.3(d) through (f):Age Staff/Child RatioUnder 18 months - 1:418 months up to 2 ½ years - 1:62 ½ years up to 4 years - 1:104 years - 1:125 years and older - 1:15

Violation Observed: Ensure that there are enough staff present to meet required ratio at all times. Two staff members were present with 14 children 18 months and younger wherein 3 staff members were required in room 3.
2022-04-21 2022-05-24 3A:52-4.3(d)
The following staff/child ratios shall apply during rest or sleep, when the criteria listed in 3A:52-4.3(d) 1, 2, and 3 are met:Age Staff/Child RatioUnder 18 months - 1:1018 months to under 2 ½ years - 1:122 ½ years and above - 1:20

Violation Observed: Ensure that adequate staff/child ratios are maintained at all times throughout the center, including during nap and rest time. Two staff members were present with 11 children under 23 months wherein 3 staff members were required.
2022-03-21 2022-05-24 3A:52-5.2(b)
An applicant seeking a license or a Certificate of Life/Safety Approval to operate a center shall comply with all applicable provisions of the New Jersey Uniform Fire Code, as specified in N.J.A.C. 5:70 and hereinafter referred to as the NJUFC. The center shall obtain the building's fire safety inspection certificate issued by the municipality in which it is located, based on a fire inspection conducted within the preceding 12 months, reflecting the center's compliance with all applicable provisions of the NJUFC. The center shall maintain on file the building's fire safety inspection certificate.

Violation Observed: Ensure that the fire panel is fully operational at all times. At the time of the inspection, the fire panel was in trouble. At time of inspection, admin contacted monitoring company to schedule repair. Email was received from monitoring company that trouble signal is still being received. 4/21/2022- At the time of the inspection, the fire panel was still in trouble mode. Provide documentation to OOL from fire monitoring company indicated repairs are complete and signal is being received.
2022-02-07 2022-03-21 3A:52-5.3(c)(1)
Lighting requirements are as follows: all fluorescent tubes and incandescent light bulbs shall have protective covers or shields.

Violation Observed: Ensure that the light is secure in the upstairs hallway.
2022-02-07 2022-03-21 3A:52-5.3(n)(4)
Fire prevention requirements are as follows: all fire extinguishers shall be visually inspected once a month, and serviced and tagged at least once a year and recharged, if necessary, as specified in the NJUFC.

Violation Observed: Ensure that all fire extinguishers are serviced and tagged annually and recharged as needed.
2022-02-07 2022-04-21 3A:52-5.3(a)(9)
Indoor maintenance and sanitation requirements are as follows: toilets, wash basins, kitchen sinks, and other plumbing shall be maintained in good operating and sanitary condition.

Violation Observed: Ensure that the sink in the girls bathroom is fully operational and not leaking.
2022-02-07 2022-04-21 3A:52-5.3(a)(2)
Indoor maintenance and sanitation requirements are as follows: floors, carpeting, walls, window coverings, ceilings, and other surfaces shall be kept clean and in good repair.

Violation Observed: Ensure that flooring is free of gaps in room 2.
2022-02-07 2022-05-24 3A:52-4.6(a)
The center shall maintain on file a Staff Records Checklist designated by the Office of Licensing, as specified in N.J.A.C. 3A:52-4.1(b), indicating that the center has obtained documentation of the applicable staff education and experience, as specified in 3A:52-4.6(b) through (d).

Violation Observed: Ensure that the center completes and maintains on file a Staff Records Checklist designated by OOL.
2022-02-07 2023-04-19 3A:52-4.10(b)(1)
When the center applies for a new or renewal license or Certificate of Life/Safety Approval, the sponsor or sponsor representative shall submit to the Department the completed CARI consent forms for all staff members who are or will be working at the center on a regularly scheduled basis. Within two weeks after a new staff member begins working at the center, the sponsor or sponsor representative shall submit to the Department a completed CARI consent form for the new staff member.

Violation Observed: Ensure that all staff submit a CARI background check upon renewal. 4/21/22- One staff member and sponsor outstanding.3/1/23 One staff member outstanding

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


Bianca ward Jan 27, 2022

They don’t speak when you come to in they dont ask for id when other people are picking up your child safety

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Providers in ZIP Code 07107