Almost Home Child Care, Llc - Mocksville NC Five Star Center License

(336) 751-7529
1 Review

About the Provider

Description: Almost Home Child Care in Mocksville, NC has been caring and nurturing kids ever since we opened in 1994. The owner/director, Debra Stanley, fulfilled her dream to open a licensed child care center to meet the needs of the local community. One of the things that makes Almost Home Child Care special is the hours. We are open from 5 am through second shift, closing at 2 am or later. We also offer weekend care and third shift on an as needed basis. But, what makes us so special is our caring and loving teachers. We have teachers that have been with us since we opened and even have teachers that came to Almost Home as kids. Our motto, “We learn when we play” rings true in our classrooms throughout the day. Our kids are learning through every art project, dramatic play, and social interaction.

Additional Information:

Four Star Center License

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: 30000024
  • Capacity: 70
  • Age Range: 0 through 12
  • State Rating: 5
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
  • Type of Care: After School, Before School, Before and After School, Daytime, Drop-in Care, Emergency Care, Full-Time, Kindergarten, Part-Time
  • District Office: North Carolina Dept of Health and Human Services - Division of Child Development
  • District Office Phone: (919) 662-4499 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Date Type Violations Rule
2023-12-06 Unannounced Inspection Yes
2023-12-06 Violation 106 10A NCAC 09 .0304(a)
Operator has not scheduled and obtained a fire inspection within 12 months of the previous inspection. Operator did not submit the original approved report to DCDEE within one week of the inspection visit on a form provided by the Division. The last fire inspection was conducted on September 22, 2022.
2023-12-06 Violation 1032 10A NCAC 09 .0701(a)
Child care providers and uncompensated providers who are not substitute providers or volunteers, including the director did not have a medical report on file prior to employment that was signed by a health care professional and/ or the medical report was older than 12 months. Two staff members, with hire dates of September 11, 2023 and November 30, 2023, did not have medical reports completed until after their dates of hire.
2023-12-06 Violation 1033 .0701(a)
On or before the first day of work, all staff, including the director and individuals who volunteer more than once per week did not provide results indicating that they were free of active TB and/or TB test or screening was older than 12 months. One staff member with a hire date of 9/11/23 did not have documentation of a tb skin test until after their date of hire.
2023-12-06 Violation 1757 G.S. 110-90.2(b) & (d) & .2703(e)
A valid qualification letter was not on file and available to review at the facility. One staff with a hire date of September 11, 2023 did not have a Qualifying letter prior to employment. The qualifying letter for the staff was dated September 26, 2023.
2023-12-06 Violation 1811 .0604(u);.0302(d)(8)
Shelter-in-place or lockdown drills were not practiced every three months and/or drill record was incomplete. The last documented Emergency Drill was August 15, 2023.
2023-06-16 Unannounced Inspection Yes
2023-06-16 Violation 812 10A NCAC 09 .0604(c)
Electrical outlets and power strips, not in use, which were located in space used by children did not have safety outlets or were not covered with safety plugs unless located behind furniture or equipment that cannot be moved by a child. In Space 6 there were two outlets without protective coverings.
2023-06-16 Violation 1048 .1102(c)
All staff did not successfully complete certification in First Aid appropriate to the age of children in care. Verification of staff completion of First Aid training from an approved training organization was not in the staff file. One staff did not have a valid First Aid Certification.
2023-06-16 Violation 1049 .1102(d)
All staff did not successfully complete certification in CPR training appropriate to the age of the children in care. Verification of staff completion of the CPR course from an approved training organization was not in the staff file. One staff did not have a valid CPR Certification.
2023-06-16 Violation 1324 .1804(c)
Signed and dated statement by parent that discipline policy received and explained at enrollment was not in child's file. The discipline policy in the child's file had not been signed and dated.
2023-06-16 Violation 1325 .1804(b)
Parent's statement includes the child's name and date of enrollment and the date the parent signed the statement. The discipline policy in the child's file did not include the name of the child or the date of enrollment.
2023-06-16 Violation 1329 .0801(a)(1-7)
Application for enrollment did not include all required information. Two children's files did not have information related to specific fears or unique behaviors.
2023-01-26 Unannounced Inspection Yes
2023-01-26 Violation 807 10A NCAC 09 .0601(a)
A safe indoor and outdoor environment was not provided for the children. On the playground used by preschool aged children the trash can lid was cracked.

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


Unhappy 2016-05-31 17:00:36
I have used this provider for less than 6 months

I had a child in the infant room, the first thing I did in fact notice after she started was the smell, it was very musty and it really smelled as if it had not been cleaned and I had a bad feeling about it but since I loved Emily (only there in the morning) I just let it go. Also, there were times I would walk in and the floor was nasty that the infants were on. Next my baby stayed sick! I understand that newborns pick up everything but in the short time that she was there (a little over a month or right at it), she had 2 stomach bugs & hand foot & mouth. I get 1 stomach bug but hand foot & mouth I really didn't understand a 3 month old getting....after speaking with a few people, neither did they & they even questioned my taking her there and then a week later she contracted another stomach bug. The 3rd thing was there was 1 person that was unnecessarily rude to my husband and he has to be the most laid back person I know and it seemed to really bother him so we felt we needed to look elsewhere at that point. We pulled her out 5 months ago & they just deposited our check a week ago and I felt that we should have had some sort of warning. If the check was lost, fine, we would have been more than happy to bring another up there. Given it was so long, I feel like a phone call even text would have been a nice thing to do....
Since we have found a new daycare and she has been health & happy. My husband and I are so much happier since we have made this move, that right there makes me wish I would have made the move sooner.

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