Adventures In Learning - Redmond OR Child Care Center

1214 SW 16th , Redmond OR 97756
(541) 923-8687
1 Review

About the Provider


We offer preschool and full and part time care Monday through Friday .Our preschool program was designed with Redmond school district kindergarten teachers. Our goal for our pre k program is to provide a fun safe  learning environment that will help guide your children to Kindergarten. We offer a variety of daily activities to inspire enrich all aspects of learning. Our infant and toddler program thrives on love and kindness from the staff . 

 We accept ages  3 months to 12 years. Adventures In Learning has just celebrated its 15th year Anniversary and couldn't be more proud of the milestone! We look forward to meeting with you and sharing our love for children. 

Additional Information: Extended Hour Care: Occasional early morning,Occasional evening,Flexible am,Flexible pm

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: CC052252
  • Capacity: 38
  • Age Range: 2 months to 12 years
  • Achievement and/or Accreditations 15 years in business
  • Rate Range 12 years
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
  • Languages Supported: English, Spanish
  • Type of Care: Full-Time, Part-Time
  • Transportation: Field Trips, To/From School
  • Schools Served: Sage John Tuck Lynch Redmond Early Learning Center
  • District Office: Oregon Employment Department - Child Care Division
  • District Office Phone: 503-947-1400 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map


Mamabear 2022-07-08 17:28:34
I have toured this provider's facility, but have not used its services

Parents please be aware that this facility is very dirty,the smell when you walk in the door is unbearable. I witnessed children swaddled too tightly and left to cry, and I also witnessed a child yelled at as soon as the parent was out of earshot! The uneducated employees don't show the maturity or mental capacity to work around children at all. I would never allow these people to watch my child, not even for a second and I think it's only right to warn other parents!!

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