Little Einsteins, L.L.C. - New Braunfels TX Licensed Center - Child Care Program

2797 S IH 35 , New Braunfels TX 78130
(830) 620-5453
2 Reviews

About the Provider

Description: A new school year is a very exciting time, and we are happy to be sharing this time with you and your child. Providing your child's preschool education is both a privilege and a responsibility. It is our goal at Little Einsteins to provide the very best quality care and education possible for your child. By working together we can promote healthy growth and development.

Additional Information: Initial License Date: 5/6/2003.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: 826632
  • Capacity: 71
  • Age Range: Infant, Toddler, Pre-Kindergarten, School
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
  • Type of Care: Child Care Program
  • Initial License Issue Date: 2003-05-06

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Inspections Assessments Self Reported Incidents Reports
9 1 1 0

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


sticky mom 2013-02-09 00:36:52

I agree with ProudMommyOf2YearOld.  This place is terrible.  They do not follow the Texas Child Care Licensing Laws and forged documents when they were requested.  They ARE NOT educated as they claim to be, do not know how to handle developmentally NORMAL behavior and will lie to cover their asses.  I wouldn't put my dog in this daycare.  Their lack of professionalism of the Owners, Ruth and Julie, is no less than appalling.  ProudMommyOf2YearOld, I'd love to talk with you. 

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ProudMommyOf2YrOld 2012-08-11 03:43:45

I would NOT even recommend this place to my worse enemy!!! My 2 yr. old son attended Little Einstiens for one month and withing 1 week recieved 3 accedent reports. 2 that were documented and the third me seeing with my own eyes.The first incedent happened while he was outside the report said he was "PLAYFULLY PUSHED" off of a log...What I wanted to know was if you saw him standing on a log why didn't anyone take him off to begin with...maybe that is becuase all they do is sit around a talk to eachother rather than watch the kids. His "teacher wasn't even around!By the way that "Playful Push" gave my son a nasty looking scar right underneath his chin!!
The next incedent that happenend Janie (his "teacher") said my son took a ball away from another kid and other kid bit him..fine..but if you saw my son take anything away why didn't anyone step in and tell him no..or give it back?? As if they just watched to see what would happened next!! He came home with nasty bite marks by his hand. The next incedent happend in the morning when they have ALL the kids in ONE room with ONE teacher who's not even paying attention to the kids because they are talking with other parents. I was paying my bill and while her back was turned I saw an OLDER kid hit my son right
in the son started crying and I had to tell her" That kid just hit my son in the face" otherwise she probably would have thought he was crying for no reason. When picking him up his diaper would be soaked and have poop from the last time of being change as if he was not wiped right. Or his cup would have the same milk I left him with..did he not drink?Also I would show up at times and listen to the bigger kids so excited trying to talk to thier "teachers" and they would answer back to kids "Uh huh, Mmm Hmm" as if they could care less. AND NO NOT ALL HAVE DEGREES! I was heart broken that my son was being treated this way. Especially because he is just a 2 yr old and couldn't tell me what was really going on. SO ENOUGH WAS ENOUGH! I could understand that kids will be kids and stuff happens but 3 time in 1 week?? They simply were just not watching him. BUT THAT'S ONLY HALF OF THE STORY. When I pulled him out they tried  fixing it. JULIE Ford THE OWNER SAID I SHOULD TAKE ZOLOFT?!? She took it with her kids and guaranteed " If you go to the park and see moms in a circle I bet half of them are on ZOLOFT" Are you kidding me!!!?? If you couldn't even handle your own 3 children How in the world can run a daycare??? oh yea that's right...ZOLOFT. If my 2 yr old is acting like a
2 yr old I am NOT going to run to a pill...It's called PATIENCE and it's LEARNED skill!!! Her tellig me those things and stories of her hitting her children and encouraging me to take pills did NOT make me want to bring my little boy back.
After 2 days of me paying 300 dollars to them I wanted my money back AND pulled my son out..and when we asked for our money back..You guessed it..NO ONE COULD BE FOUND and Julie was always out all of a sudden. SO we called every other day, left messages and of course nothing. At one time I called twice in a row and no answered and then my husband called from another number (he was at work) and guess what..ANSWER! Are you serious!! Then I spoke with Ruth and she told me that Julie said (remember she's  gone all of a sudden) that I had actually OWEd a month!! The NERVE! When I had stated
that I do NOT owe anything and had ALL my reciepts to prove it. I was told that I would be called back in 10 minutes..And with all of that they gave us $100 back. So with this, It's anyone's chose on who watches their child/children. Of course the parents with the older children will say differentb ut HELLOOO they know the kid is goig to tALK. It's the little ones who can't speak for themselves im worried about. As parents we work hard for our children and love harder on them. We pray whoever we leave them with would feel the same.These are just incendents that happened with my own child. And NONE of what I have written are in no way shape or form made up. I have the reports and my husband there when Zoloft was suggested to me by "Dr." Julie. Sadly our children can not speak for themselves especially my 2 yr old son. So this in my job as a mother to speak up for my son so that another kiddo/Mother/Father could be spared.The feeling of having my little boy get hurt and the fact that I wasn't there to help him was an aweful feeling and the fact that it happend more than once was infurating. 

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