There are no child development centers in Highgate Center, VT. Below are some preschools and child care centers nearby. Simply click on the links below to learn more about childcare centers near Highgate Center that are dedicated to providing families with safe, quality childcare. You can also read reviews about various childcare providers to learn more about which is the right choice for your family. We always welcome comments and corrections, to better the browsing experience on our site.
Gerrity-Parent, Amy is a Registered Home in Highgate VT, with a maximum capacity of 6 children. The provider does not participate in a subsidized child care program.
Franklin Preschool is a Center Based Child Care and Preschool Program - Licensed Provider in Franklin VT, with a maximum capacity of 15 children. This child care center helps with children in the age range of . The provider does not participate in ...
Vaillancourt, Heather is a Registered Home in Franklin VT, with a maximum capacity of 6 children. This child care center helps with children in the age range of Infant, Toddler, Preschool, School-age Age. The provider also participates in a subsidiz ...
Our child care philosophy is based on Maslow's Theory of Meeting child's needs. We go from there and offer circle, projects, large and fine motor play. We like to have an inviting area where chidren & families are and feel welcome.
Full day program with a daily schedule that is flexible. Children are able to discover and experiment how this world works through a play based/education approach.
Children arrive in the morning. Breakfast and clean up is from 8 to 9. From 9 to 10 I will read to the children and we will do a sing a long (ie, singing the ABC's, etc.) From 10 to 10:30 will be snack and clean up. 10:30 to 11:45 will be outdoor/ind ...
I've been in childcare for 17 years and have three children of my own and one grandchild. I believe in learning through play. Play based childcare is my program.
Highgate Laboratory Preschool is a Center Based Child Care and Preschool Program - Licensed Provider in Swanton VT, with a maximum capacity of 30 children. This child care center helps with children in the age range of Preschool. The provider does n ...
Weld, Sarah is a Registered Home in Highgate VT. The provider does not participate in a subsidized child care program.
Duprey, Kelly is a Registered Home in Highgate VT, with a maximum capacity of 10 children. This child care center helps with children in the age range of Infant, Toddler, Preschool. The provider also participates in a subsidized child care program.
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