In-Home Daycare and Group Home Child Care in Jackson County

For busy parents, choosing the right type of family childcare can be challenging. More and more parents are finding that they prefer the intimate setting and personal touches of Jackson County home daycare or group home daycare to traditional preschools or daycare centers. If you’re interested in learning more about home childcare in Jackson County, you’ve come to the right place! We’ve done the initial leg work for you by collecting basic information of 1 Jackson County home and group home daycares into a single location. If you need extra assistance with selecting the right child care provider for your family, simply contact the local referral agency listed on the right!

If you're looking for a Child Care Center in Jackson County, go to Jackson County Childcare Centers.

In-Home Daycare in Jackson County



Whitleyville, TN 38588 | (931) 258-3017

NANA'S CHILD CARE is a Group Homes Care for 8-12 children in WHITLEYVILLE TN, with a maximum capacity of 12 children. The home-based daycare service helps with children in the age range of 6 WK to 12 YR. The provider also participates in a subsidized child care ...

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Jackson County Childcare Referral Agencies:

Upper Cumberland Child Care Resource and Referral

Upper Cumberland CC Resource Center
Cookeville TN 38505

Call (931) 372-3780 or Toll Free (888) 621-5753 (For In-State Use Only)
For more information, visit

Tennessee Child Care Licensing Agency

Tennessee Department of Human Services
Child and Adult Care Licensing
400 Deaderick Street, 14th Floor
Nashville, TN 37243
Phone: 615-313-4778
Toll Free: 800-462-8261 (complaint line)
Web Site: