Joanna, SC Child Care Centers

There are no child development centers in Joanna, SC. Below are some preschools and child care centers nearby. Simply click on the links below to learn more about childcare centers near Joanna that are dedicated to providing families with safe, quality childcare. You can also read reviews about various childcare providers to learn more about which is the right choice for your family. We always welcome comments and corrections, to better the browsing experience on our site.

Big Blue Marble Academy

Big Blue Marble Academy

Clinton, SC 29325 | (864) 938-1100 | 4.1 miles away

At Big Blue Marble, we provide the highest quality childcare and education that promotes global learning for the next generation.  Our curriculum encompasses immersion, technology, as well as science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education.

Young World Day Care Center Inc.

Young World Day Care Center Inc.

Clinton, SC 29325 | (864) 833-2090 | 4.8 miles away

Young World Day Care Center Inc. is a Child Care Center in Clinton SC, with a maximum capacity of 158 children. The provider does not participate in a subsidized child care program.

Thornwell Home for Children

Thornwell Home for Children

Clinton, SC 29325 | (888) 310-9387 | 5.4 miles away

offering hope and wholeness to children and families. Its goals are to provide loving homes for abused, abandoned and neglected children, to offer an opportunity for healing by providing proper healthcare and mental health counseling for every Thornw ...

Sanders Head Start Center

Sanders Head Start Center

Laurens, SC 29360 | (864) 984-4814 | 12.4 miles away

Sanders Head Start Center is a Child Care Center in Laurens SC, with a maximum capacity of 197 children. The provider does not participate in a subsidized child care program.

Nae Nae's Daycare

Nae Nae's Daycare

Newberry, SC 29108 | (803) 276-1885 | 12.8 miles away

Nae Nae's Daycare is a Child Care Center in Newberry SC, with a maximum capacity of 30 children. The provider does not participate in a subsidized child care program.

The Y CDC @ First Baptist Church

The Y CDC @ First Baptist Church

Laurens, SC 29360 | (864) 984-4600 | 13.2 miles away

The Y CDC @ First Baptist Church is a Child Care Center in Laurens SC, with a maximum capacity of 86 children. The provider does not participate in a subsidized child care program.

Stepping Stones Learning Academy, Inc

Stepping Stones Learning Academy, Inc

Laurens, SC 29360 | (864) 682-5727 | 13.4 miles away

We are a christian based child care with many educational programs available.

Newberry Academy

Newberry Academy

Newberry, SC 29108 | (803) 276-2760 | 14.1 miles away

For nearly 50 years, Newberry Academy has been the school of choice for parents seeking an institution that promotes a safe and nurturing atmosphere with a challenging college preparatory environment. With extracurricular programs ranging from academ ...

Newberry Child Development Center

Newberry Child Development Center

Newberry, SC 29108 | (803) 276-3045 | 14.4 miles away

Welcome to your child's first classroom! We offer a high quality early learning enviornment that is second to none. Our loving, attentive, and well educated teachers are qualified in early childhood education and development. We also offer gymnastics ...

Triangle Day Care Center

Triangle Day Care Center

Newberry, SC 29108 | (803) 276-6190 | 14.6 miles away

Triangle Day Care Center is a Child Care Center in Newberry SC, with a maximum capacity of 72 children. The provider does not participate in a subsidized child care program.

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South Carolina Child Care Licensing Agency

South Carolina Department of Social Services
Child Care Licensing Program
Division of Child Care Services
2638 Two Notch Road, Suite 200
Columbia, SC 29204
Phone: 803-898-9020
Toll Free: 800-556-7445
Web Site: /licensing/index.aspx