YMCA of Central and Northern Westchester - Mahopac NY School-Age Child Care

55 Fulmar Rd. Fulmar Road School, Mahopac NY 10541
(845) 628-0440

About the Provider

Description: Elementary school is an exciting time in the lives of the children in our community and communities around the world. They after all are the future leaders of this nation. It is these years that are the critically important building blocks of their educational experiences in the Mahopac School District and beyond. The relationships that our children develop over these incredible years will last a lifetime. This facility is authorized to administer over-the-counter topical ointments only

Additional Information: This facility is authorized to administer over-the-counter topical ointments only; Initial License Date: 11/13/2009;

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: 411236
  • Capacity: 44
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
  • Schools Served: Mahopac School District
  • Initial License Issue Date: 2009-11-13
  • Current License Issue Date: 2019-11-13
  • District Office: Child Care Council of Dutchess and Putnam, Inc.
  • District Office Phone: (845) 808-1659 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Date Type Regulations Status
2022-02-09 Violation 414.5(r) Corrected
Brief Description: An operable flashlight or battery powered lantern must be kept in the child care area. Such equipment must be properly maintained for use in the event of a power failure.
2021-12-02 Violation 414.15(b)(23)(iv) Corrected
Brief Description: Upon termination or resignation of the director: An approved, permanent director must be on-site, performing the duties of the position, within ninety days.
2021-12-02 Violation 414.15(b)(23)(iv) Corrected
Brief Description: Upon termination or resignation of the director: An approved, permanent director must be on-site, performing the duties of the position, within ninety days.
2019-09-23 Violation 414.15(c)(7) Corrected
Brief Description: copies of current staff and volunteers health statements;
2019-01-25 Violation 414.11(b)(1) Corrected
Brief Description: Staff and volunteers must each submit a medical statement on forms furnished by the Office or an approved equivalent from a health care provider:
2019-01-25 Violation 414.14(n)(2) Corrected
Brief Description: Every applicant for the position of director, teacher, or volunteer with the potential for regular and substantial contact with children after this regulation becomes effective must complete the Office-approved training pre-service or within three months of starting such position, or by September 30, 2017, whichever is later. Any director or teacher who has not completed the training, but will be completing the training within the first three months of starting such position, must not be left unsupervised with children in care until such time as the training has been completed. The person supervising the individual must have completed the Office-approved training that complies with the federal minimum health and safety pre-service training requirements.
2019-01-25 Violation 414.15(c)(12) Corrected
Brief Description: a current daily schedule documenting the arrival and departure times of each staff person and volunteers;
2018-12-07 Violation 414.5(t) Corrected
Brief Description: Operating carbon monoxide detectors and alarms must be located in accordance with applicable laws if children nap at the program during program hours.
2018-09-24 414.11(h)(2) Corrected
Brief Description: The school age child care program must be equipped with a portable first aid kit which is accessible for emergency treatment. The first aid kit must be stocked to treat a broad range of injuries and situations and must
2018-05-22 413.3(g)(3)(i) Corrected
Brief Description: The Office shall require the child day care program to immediately post upon receipt in a prominent place at the program that is visible to parents a copy of the most recent inspection report issued to the program by the Office.
2018-05-22 414.15(a)(2) Corrected
Brief Description: Each school age child care program that has been issued a registration by the Office must openly display such registration, along with any restrictions, limitations and waivers to the registration, in the program for which it was issued.
2018-05-22 414.15(b)(22)(i) Corrected
Brief Description: the Office's school age child care program regulations;
2018-03-28 414.11(a)(1) Corrected
Brief Description: The program must obtain an individual health plan for any child identified as a child with special health care needs, prior to the child being in attendance at the program.
2018-03-28 414.15(c)(6) Corrected
Brief Description: children's health plans, including parental consents for emergency medical treatment, child's medical statement and immunizations; any available results of lead screening; the name and dosage of any medications used by a child and the frequency of administration of such medications; and a record of their administration by program staff; and a record of illnesses, injuries and any indicators of child abuse or maltreatment;
2018-03-28 414.4(b)(4) Corrected
Brief Description: The program must maintain on file a record of each evacuation drill conducted, using forms furnished by the Office or approved equivalents.

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


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