White , Donna Child Care Home - Norman OK Family Child Care Home

(405) 684-4402

About the Provider

Description: WHITE , DONNA CHILD CARE HOME is a Family Child Care Home in NORMAN OK, with a maximum capacity of 7 children. The home-based daycare service helps with children in the age range of 0 - 11 Months, 12 - 23 Months, 2 Years, 3 Years, 4 Years, 5 Years. The provider also participates in a subsidized child care program.

Additional Information: Rated 1 Star.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: K820015427
  • Capacity: 7
  • Age Range: 0 - 11 Months, 12 - 23 Months, 2 Years, 3 Years, 4 Years, 5 Years
  • State Rating: 1
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
  • Type of Care: Daytime Hours
  • District Office: Oklahoma Dept of Human Services - Child Care Services
  • District Office Phone: (405) 982-3755 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)
  • Licensor: Morgan Ford

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Date Type/Purpose Corrections
2021-07-28 Periodic
Full Inspection
Description: No non-compliances observed
2021-05-21 Periodic
Full Inspection
Description: No non-compliances observed
2021-03-12 Follow Up
Partial Inspection
Description: No non-compliances observed
2021-02-26 Follow Up
Partial Inspection
Description: No non-compliances observed
2021-02-25 Periodic
Full Inspection
Plan: To discuss with other household members to keep it locked. Licensing verified that the area was locked before the end of the visit.
Correction Date: 2021-02-25
Description: 340:110-3-86(a)(6) - Weapons. All weapons are stored unloaded in a locked container, cabinet, or closet. Ammunition is stored in a locked area separate from weapons.

Licensing observed the weapons on the premises accessible to children in care due to the shed being unlocked.

2020-08-28 Periodic
Full Inspection
Description: No non-compliances observed
2020-03-06 Follow Up
Partial Inspection
Description: No non-compliances observed
2020-03-05 Follow Up
Full Inspection
Plan: Caregiver locked sword in closet. (Repeated non-compliance: 3/3/20, 3/4/20, 3/5/20). Caregiver will ensure that all weapons are stored according to requirements in the future.
Correction Date: 2020-03-05
Description: 340:110-3-86(a)(6) - Weapons. All weapons are stored unloaded in a locked container, cabinet, or closet. Ammunition is stored in a locked area separate from weapons.

Samari sword present on floor in locked bedroom.

2020-03-05 Follow Up
Full Inspection
Plan: Caregiver will have parents complete the parent communication forms by said date.
Correction Date: 2020-03-17
Description: 340:110-3-89.1(f)(1) - Parents complete DHS Forms 07LC045E, Insurance Notification, and 07LC046E, Compliance File Notification, every 12 months. Forms are maintained at the facility.

No compliance file notification forms available for any child enrolled.

2020-03-04 Follow Up
Full Inspection
Plan: Corrected during visit. Caregiver locked weapon separately according to requirements. Caregiver will ensure that all weapons are stored according to requirements in the future.
Correction Date: 2020-03-04
Description: 340:110-3-86(a)(6) - Weapons. All weapons are stored unloaded in a locked container, cabinet, or closet. Ammunition is stored in a locked area separate from weapons.

Bow & Arrow is not stored according to requirements.

2020-03-04 Follow Up
Full Inspection
Plan: Caregiver will have parents complete forms by said date.
Correction Date: 2020-03-17
Description: 340:110-3-89.1(f)(1) - Parents complete DHS Forms 07LC045E, Insurance Notification, and 07LC046E, Compliance File Notification, every 12 months. Forms are maintained at the facility.

No Compliance File Notifications on file for any child enrolled.

2020-03-03 Periodic
Full Inspection
Plan: Caregiver locked door until items can be moved and a lock purchased for proper storage area
Correction Date: 2020-03-03
Description: 340:110-3-86(a)(6) - Weapons. All weapons are stored unloaded in a locked container, cabinet, or closet. Ammunition is stored in a locked area separate from weapons.

Dagger knife and bow & arrows accessible to children in bedroom.

2020-03-03 Periodic
Full Inspection
Plan: Caregiver will keep up with daily attendance records for herself.
Correction Date: 2020-03-03
Description: 340:110-3-88(b)(4) - attendance records for each caregiver that reflect days and hours worked and are maintained on file for 120 calendar days; and

Staff attendance is not being maintained as it was last entered 2/24/20.

2020-03-03 Periodic
Full Inspection
Plan: Caregiver will have parents complete forms by said date.
Correction Date: 2020-03-17
Description: 340:110-3-89.1(f)(1) - Parents complete DHS Forms 07LC045E, Insurance Notification, and 07LC046E, Compliance File Notification, every 12 months. Forms are maintained at the facility.

No Compliance File Notifications on file for any child enrolled.

2019-09-25 Periodic
Full Inspection
Plan: Provider will keep daily attendance
Correction Date: 2019-09-25
Description: 340:110-3-88(b)(4) - attendance records for each caregiver that reflect days and hours worked and are maintained on file for 120 calendar days; and

No attendance records for caregiver

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


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