Stepping Stone Day Nursery For Kids - River Edge NJ Temporary Child Care Center

(201) 488-4905
1 Review

About the Provider

Description: Caring for a child is a privilege & a responsibility.
Each child is unique & has infinite potential. We must create an environment that respects the needs of every child & offers an atmosphere that makes a child feel safe, secure, loved & encourages learning.
It is now widely accepted that the entire foundation of what we learn & how we learn it is determined before the age of six. Therefore 'good beginnings never end' & as such it is our responsibility to ensure that we offer a program that is constantly challenging & yet allows a child to be a child, so that they enjoy learning.
Quality child care is only possible when parents & teachers work together to address the individual needs of every child & yet create an environment that offers every child the many benefits, of a group experience.
Childhood should be a journey, not a race.
We must show every child respect.
Cooperation & understanding between parents & staff is essential for our success. Your comments, suggestions, questions and concerns are always important & welcome. We maintain an open door policy which means that you may visit whenever you wish and, of course, you are welcome to call us as & when you like. Staff will share with you many anecdotes and much information about your child’s day. Similarly, parents are requested to share any circumstances about the child’s home life which may affect his/her day.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: 02STE0001
  • Capacity: 150
  • Age Range: 2 1/2 - 13 years
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
  • District Office: New Jersey Dept of Children and Families - Office of Licensing
  • District Office Phone: 1-877-667-9845 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Date Cited Date Abated Regulation Number
2023-03-06 2023-04-10 3A:52-4.7(a)(1)
The center shall meet the following requirements for orientation training: the center shall ensure that all newly-hired staff receive orientation training within two weeks of hire and that no individual is left alone to supervise a child or group of children until orientation training is completed.

Violation Observed: Ensure that outside vendors and therapists without required clearances on file are directly supervised by another staff member.
2023-03-06 2023-04-10 3A:52-7.7(e)(1)(iii)
For early childhood programs, the following shall apply: in addition to the items specified in N.J.A.C. 3A:52-7.7(a)3, the following equipment items or surfaces shall be washed and disinfected after each use, diapering surfaces.

Violation Observed: Ensure that the center washes and disinfects diapering surfaces after each use.
2023-03-06 2023-04-10 3A:52-7.8(a)(1)(ii)
Handwashing requirements are as follows: the center shall ensure that children three months of age and older wash their hands with soap and running water immediately after using the toilet or having diapers changed.

Violation Observed: Ensure that children wash their hands immediately after having their diaper changed.
2023-03-06 2023-04-10 3A:52-7.8(a)(1)(v)
Handwashing requirements are as follows: the center shall ensure that children three months of age and older wash their hands with soap and running water immediately after outdoor play.

Violation Observed: Ensure that children wash their hands immediately after outdoor play.
2023-03-06 2023-04-10 3A:52-7.8(a)(4)(iii)
Handwashing requirements are as follows: staff members shall wash their hands with soap and running water immediately after assisting a child in toileting.

Violation Observed: Ensure that staff wash their hands immediately after changing a child's diaper.
2023-03-06 2023-04-10 3A:52-4.5(a)(3)(i)(1)
The sponsor or sponsor representative shall designate individuals with the authority and responsibility to develop and implement written policies and procedures for the operation of the center, including a table of organization that illustrates lines of authority, responsibility and communication.

Violation Observed: Ensure that the center has a table of organization that illustrates lines of authority, responsibility and communication; update.
2023-03-06 2023-04-21 3A:52-4.10(b)(1)
When the center applies for a new or renewal license or Certificate of Life/Safety Approval, the sponsor or sponsor representative shall submit to the Department the completed CARI consent forms for all staff members who are or will be working at the center on a regularly scheduled basis. Within two weeks after a new staff member begins working at the center, the sponsor or sponsor representative shall submit to the Department a completed CARI consent form for the new staff member.

Violation Observed: Ensure that all staff and sponsor rep submit a CARI background check upon renewal.
2023-03-06 2023-04-10 3A:52-4.6(d)(1)
For school-age child care programs the program supervisor shall meet the qualification requirements specified in one of the applicable options set forth in N.J.A.C. 3A:52-4.6(d) for education, training, and experience, based on the center's licensed capacity.

Violation Observed: Submit education documentation for one program supervisor.
2023-03-06 2023-04-10 3A:52-4.8(a)(2)
Topics of orientation training shall include understanding center operations, policies and procedures, as specified in N.J.A.C. 3A:52-4.5(b)3.

Violation Observed: Retrain all staff on the center's policies of hand washing and sanitation. Submit training information with staff signatures to OOL.
2023-03-06 2023-04-10 3A:52-4.5(c)(2)(ii)
The director or his or her designee(s) shall be on the premises at all times when the center is operating and the designee shall complete staff development in understanding licensing rules as provided by the Office.

Violation Observed: Ensure that the director designee completes the Understanding Licensing training provided by OOL.
2023-03-06 2023-04-10 3A:52-5.3(q)(3)(v)
Space and room requirements are as follows: Indoor space requirements for play rooms and sleep rooms are as follows the center shall identify all rooms of the center that have been approved by the Office of Licensing. This identification shall consist of numbers, letters, names or any other means of identification and shall be located either inside or directly outside each room.

Violation Observed: Post a diagram of all approved areas and ensure that all rooms approved for use by the children are labeled; update floor plans.
2023-03-06 2023-04-10 3A:52-5.2(a)(5)
The center shall be permitted to obtain a valid fire safety inspection certificate issued by the municipality in which it is located, based on a fire inspection conducted within the preceding 12 months, and submit a copy of the certificate to the Office of Licensing in lieu of a CO or CCO, if the center serves only children 2 ½ years of age or older and is located in a public school building that is used as a public school.

Violation Observed: Ensure that all illuminated exit signs and emergency lighting are operable at all times throughout the center; emergency lighting at the bottom of the basement steps near changing table is inoperable.
2023-03-06 2023-04-10 3A:52-136
Provide and maintain in good condition handrails on all stairs with 3 or more risers.

Violation Observed: Securely fasten hand rail on stairs leading to Room 9.
2023-03-06 2023-04-10 3A:52-5.3(a)(18)
Indoor maintenance and sanitation requirements are as follows: ensure that microwave ovens, toaster ovens, and other portable devices used to heat or prepare food are out of children's reach, secured on a stable surface, and not in use when children are in the area in order to ensure the safety of children.

Violation Observed: Secure microwave in Room 9.
2023-03-06 2023-04-10 3A:52-5.3(a)(6)
Indoor maintenance and sanitation requirements are as follows: food waste receptacles shall be lined and maintained in clean and sanitary condition.

Violation Observed: Ensure garbage can has a lid in Room 8.

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


Joey 2010-09-08 18:06:28

OK - safe, some good staff, approachable director. Class sizes are too big and not individualized. Attempts to be a preschool, but fails. Heard later that "upstairs" classes are pretty good, but it is the "downstairs" (2s/3s) classes that are not great. There is a big staff turnover, and I was not impressed that teachers changed through the year without any notification to parents. My son kept asking where one of his teachers was. Finally we discovered she had left. Nobody told us for about a month!

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