St Joseph Early Learning Center - Makawao HI Group Child Care Center

(808) 572-6235

About the Provider

Description: MISSION STATEMENT: "Where children are special."


To strengthen the whole child spiritually, socially, emotionally, creatively, physically, culturally, and academically.
To have the children know Jesus as their best friend.
To develop a high self-esteem for each child.
To develop each child's self-respect as well as respect for others and their property.
To develop each child's age-appropriate attention span.
To foster learning through play, the use of our learning centers, and specific projects which enhance our monthly themes.
To teach the children through our example, through our understanding, and through the quality time we share with them.
To have the children capably follow directions.
To individualize our program, considering all the children's strengths, as well as weaknesses.
To promote the development of our children's readiness skills, focusing on the process of learning through all curriculum areas.
To generate strong parent involvement within our program.
To develop the children's self help skills.
To keep children motivated and enthusiastic about learning, making this first learning experience a positive one.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: 14525
  • Capacity: 49
  • Age Range: 2 years to 7 years
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
  • Current License Issue Date: 2017-03-01
  • District Office: Central Maui Child Care Licensing Unit
  • District Office Phone: (808) 243-5866 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map


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