Small World Daycare - Yonkers NY Day Care Center

600 North Broadway , Yonkers NY 10701
(914) 349-9200
8 Reviews

About the Provider

Description: At Small World Daycare we are committed to making sure that our students are receiving the best quality care. Our teachers are highly trained to ensure that all students are receiving the necessary skills to accelerate in life.

Additional Information: Summer Program as wellCare is available during non-traditional hours;

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: 837345
  • Capacity: 112
  • Age Range: Total Capacity: 112;Infants: 8;Toddlers: 12;Preschool: 92;School-Age: 0;
  • Rate Range 250.00 Week
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
  • Type of Care: After School, Before School, Before and After School, Daytime, Full-Time, Part-Time
  • Schools Served: Yonkers School District
  • Initial License Issue Date: 2019-10-03
  • Current License Issue Date: 2019-10-03
  • District Office: Westchester Regional Office
  • District Office Phone: (845) 708-2400 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Date Type Regulations Status
2022-05-12 Violation 418-1.5(s)(3) Corrected
Brief Description: Egress doors from the center must be able to be opened from the inside without using a key. Child protective door knob covers may not be used on egress doors.
2022-05-12 Violation 418-1.15(b)(21)(iii) Not Corrected
Brief Description: A child day care center must give the parent, at the time of admission of a child, a written policy statement including, but not limited to: the policies of the child day care center regarding admission and disenrollment policies;
2022-01-24 Violation 418-1.4(f)(2) Corrected
Brief Description: All corridors, aisles, and approaches to exits must be kept unobstructed at all times.
2022-01-24 Violation 418-1.8(l)(5) Corrected
Brief Description: In consideration of a child's developmental readiness, appropriateness of the classroom environment, the level of care the child requires and the needs of the other children in care, the center may move a toddler to the next age group when that child is within three months of their third birthday.
2022-01-24 Violation 418-1.8(l)(5)(i) Corrected
Brief Description: A written assessment of the child's developmental readiness is required to be kept on file.
2021-08-23 Violation 418-1.8(a) Corrected
Brief Description: Children cannot be left without competent supervision at any time. Competent supervision includes awareness of and responsibility for the ongoing activity of each child. It requires that all children be within a teacher's range of vision and that the teacher be near enough to respond when redirection or intervention strategies are needed. Competent supervision must take into account the child's age emotional, physical, and cognitive development.
2021-08-23 Violation 418-1.8(j) Not Corrected
Brief Description: When a child care center is in operation, an adequate number of qualified teachers must be on duty to ensure the health and safety of the children in care.
2021-08-23 Violation 418-1.8(k)(3)(i) Not Corrected
Brief Description: for children between ages 18 months old and 36 months old: there must be one teacher for every five children;
2021-08-23 Violation 418-1.8(l)(11) Corrected
Brief Description: Day care centers that have been approved to operate a school-age children component in their day care center may only mix school age children with pre-school children at the very beginning of the day and the very end of the day. School age children may never be mixed with pre-school children for the entire period of time they are in care at the center.
2021-08-23 Violation 418-1.11(i)(12) Corrected
Brief Description: Garbage receptacles must be covered, and cleaned as needed after emptying.
2021-08-23 Violation 418-1.15(c)(5) Not Corrected
Brief Description: The program must maintain on file at the child day care center, available for inspection by the Office or its designees at any time, the following records in a current and accurate manner: daily attendance records, which must be filled out at the time a child arrives and departs, and must include arrival and departure times;
2021-08-23 Violation 418-1.8(a) Corrected
Brief Description: Children cannot be left without competent supervision at any time. Competent supervision includes awareness of and responsibility for the ongoing activity of each child. It requires that all children be within a teacher's range of vision and that the teacher be near enough to respond when redirection or intervention strategies are needed. Competent supervision must take into account the child's age emotional, physical, and cognitive development.
2021-08-23 Violation 418-1.8(j) Corrected
Brief Description: When a child care center is in operation, an adequate number of qualified teachers must be on duty to ensure the health and safety of the children in care.
2021-08-23 Violation 418-1.8(k)(3)(i) Corrected
Brief Description: for children between ages 18 months old and 36 months old: there must be one teacher for every five children;
2021-08-23 Violation 418-1.8(l)(11) Corrected
Brief Description: Day care centers that have been approved to operate a school-age children component in their day care center may only mix school age children with pre-school children at the very beginning of the day and the very end of the day. School age children may never be mixed with pre-school children for the entire period of time they are in care at the center.

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


Small world is the best! 2023-07-27 16:10:45
I have used this provider for more than 6 months

There are no words for how happy and satisfied I am with Smallworld, my son attended their preschool program and wow his development through play, speech and socializing did not go unnoticed, the teachers and staff are amazing and really do their best for the kids and take great care of them! I look forward to coming back when my daughter is of preschool age because we loved Small world that much! Thank you thank you for the amazing year and summer camp experience!

22 out of 44 think this review is helpful
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mahmoud elbana 2022-05-06 00:18:43
I have used this provider for less than 6 months

They abused my son. They are the worst place you would want to leave your kid their. They refuse to. Show me the class room because they keep 25 kid in the same class room to save on employee. Make sure make sure don’t bring your kids here

42 out of 80 think this review is helpful
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Anita 2020-01-03 12:51:27
I have used this provider for less than 6 months

This is my son'd first Preschool experience, we love all the teachers they are all so passionate , my son loves them too. At the beginning he wasn't used to the experience now he is looking forward to going to school.They do lot of activities , great welcoming atmosphere. Truly so happy about my son attending to this preschool.

64 out of 138 think this review is helpful
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Maddy 2019-11-24 19:54:42
I have used this provider for more than 6 months

This school is awesome!! Caring staff, clean school and great price. My daughter loves her teachers and enjoys being in school.

74 out of 159 think this review is helpful
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John Coleman 2019-09-18 17:12:14
I have toured this provider's facility, but have not used its services

WOW !! How refreshing to see a facility clean, ready and excited to welcome children. This place has got success written all over it.

61 out of 138 think this review is helpful
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Lauren 2019-09-18 17:10:29
I have toured this provider's facility, but have not used its services

Beautiful and welcoming facility! Great director and faculty who really care about the children.

78 out of 156 think this review is helpful
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Anthony Romano 2019-09-18 01:14:44

A+++ daycare

75 out of 164 think this review is helpful
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De Riv 2019-09-18 01:09:55

Excellent staff, classrooms are nice. 

69 out of 153 think this review is helpful
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