Queen of Angels Catholic School - Fort Wayne IN Unlicensed Registered Ministry

1500 West State Boulevard , Fort Wayne IN 46808
(260) 483-8214

About the Provider

Description: Queen of Angels Catholic School is a Unlicensed Registered Ministry in Fort Wayne IN. The provider does not participate in a subsidized child care program.

Program and Licensing Details

  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
  • Current License Issue Date: 2023-04-01
  • Current License Expiration Date: 2025-03-31
  • District Office: Indiana Family and Social Services Administration - Bureau of Child Care
  • District Office Phone: 1-877-511-1144 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Inspection Type/Date Action needed to correct issue Date Resolved
All interior surfaces, equipment, materials, furnishings, and objects with which children will come in contact shall be well maintained, in a clean and sanitary condition, and of nontoxic durable construction 2023-03-22
Type of correction needed: 470 IAC 3-4.5-4(1)
Adult scissors within reach in PrepK and PreK 3 rooms.Items labeled 'Keep out of reach of children' in PrepK room: 2 bottles of hand sanitizer, bottle of thieves
Direct child care providers, including volunteers, shall receive training in the following within thirty (30) days of starting employment or volunteer work: Universal precautions 2023-03-22
Type of correction needed: 470 IAC 3-1.1-33.5(b)(4)
all staff missing UPstaff KG, HB,TY,KH missing first aid and CPR
The child care ministry must do the following: is a person against whom an allegation of child abuse or neglect has been substantiated under IC 31-33 2023-03-22
Type of correction needed: IC 12-17.2-6-14(2)(c)
staff TY and applicant SS missing consent
The child care ministry must do the following: Conduct a criminal history check of the child care ministrys employees and volunteers 2023-03-22
Type of correction needed: IC 12-17.2-6-14(1)
staff TY and applicant SS missing consent
The child care ministry must do the following: is a person against whom an allegation of child abuse or neglect has been substantiated under IC 31-33
Type of correction needed: IC 12-17.2-6-14(2)(c)
new staff BM needs consent
The child care ministry must do the following: Conduct a criminal history check of the child care ministrys employees and volunteers
Type of correction needed: IC 12-17.2-6-14(1)
new staff BM needs consent
The child care ministry must do the following: Conduct a criminal history check of the child care ministrys employees and volunteers
Type of correction needed: IC 12-17.2-6-14(1)
3 staff missing consentsno consents submitted 2020
The child care ministry must do the following: is a person against whom an allegation of child abuse or neglect has been substantiated under IC 31-33
Type of correction needed: IC 12-17.2-6-14(2)(c)
3 staff missing consentno consents submitted 2020
Direct child care providers, including volunteers, shall receive training in the following within thirty (30) days of starting employment or volunteer work: Universal precautions
Type of correction needed: 470 IAC 3-1.1-33.5(b)(4)
3 staff missing UP1 staff missing first aid
The operator of a child care ministry registered under section 2 of this chapter shall provide a notice to the parent or guardian of a child enrolled in the child care ministry. The notice must be signed by the parent or guardian when the child is enrolled in the child care ministry and must be kept on file at the child care ministry until two (2) years after the last day the child attends the child care ministry. This notice must be maintained by the child care ministry and made available to the division upon request
Type of correction needed: IC 12-17.2-6-7
files not available 16 children
Application. Application for registration to operate a day care ministry shall be submitted annually to the SBH on forms provided for that purpose by that agency. As part of the application, the applicant shall submit a notarized criminal history affidavit form together with a statement verifying its exemption from federal income taxation under Section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code
Type of correction needed: 470 IAC 3-4.5-2(a)
renewal application not submitted
Upon the completion of the inspections required under this chapter, a notice signed by the inspectors from the division and the division of fire and building safety shall be issued to the operator of each child care ministry found to be in compliance. The notice shall be placed in a conspicuous place in the child care ministry
Type of correction needed: IC 12-17.2-6-6
fire marshal certificate expired
The parent or guardian of a child shall, when the child is enrolled in a child care ministry, provide the child care ministry with proof that the child has received the required immunizations against the following: Whooping cough
Type of correction needed: IC 12-17.2-6-11(a)(2)
files not available 16 children
All interior surfaces, equipment, materials, furnishings, and objects with which children will come in contact shall be well maintained, in a clean and sanitary condition, and of nontoxic durable construction
Type of correction needed: 470 IAC 3-4.5-4(1)
sanitizer sprayer in hallway by preschool door
CCDF Inspection
Type of correction needed: A provider shall provide for a safe environment by ensuring that no conditions exist in or on the grounds of the facility where a provider operates a child care program that would endanger the health, safety, or welfare of the children, including ensuring that the following items are placed in areas that are inaccessible to children in the providers care:

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


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ChildcareCenter.us does not actively screen or monitor user reviews, nor do we verify or edit content. Reviews reflect only the opinion of the writer. We ask that users follow our review guidelines. If you see a review that does not reflect these guidelines, you can email us. We will assess the review and decide the appropriate next step. Please note – we will not remove a review simply because it is negative. Providers are welcome to respond to parental reviews, however we ask that they identify themselves as the provider.

Providers in ZIP Code 46808