Precious Time Child Development Centers LLC - Midlothian VA Child Day Center

13711 Village Mill Road , Midlothian VA 23114
(804) 272-1062
1 Review

About the Provider

Description: Precious Time Child Development Centers LLC is a Child Day Center in Midlothian VA, with a maximum capacity of 130 children. This child care center helps with children in the age range of 1 month - 12 years 11 months. The provider also participates in a subsidized child care program.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: 1108764
  • Capacity: 130
  • Age Range: 1 month - 12 years 11 months
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
  • District Office: Virginia Dept of Social Services - Division of Licensing Programs
  • District Office Phone: (804) 588-2368 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)
  • Licensor: Susan Ellington-Sconiers

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Inspection Date SHSI Complaint Rated Violations
2024-01-29 No Yes No
2024-01-10 No Yes No
2023-09-11 No No Yes
2023-09-11 No Yes No
2023-09-11 Yes No No
2023-06-08 No No No
2023-06-08 No Yes No
2023-06-08 No No Yes
2023-06-08 Yes No No
2022-09-09 No No Yes
2022-09-09 Yes No Yes
2021-10-05 No No Yes
2021-10-05 Yes No Yes
2021-03-10 No No Yes
2021-03-10 Yes No No

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


April Radford 2023-05-23 02:52:29
I have used this provider for less than 6 months

First off, I have been a mother for almost 8 years. I have never put my children in daycare because their grandparents have always watched them so of course, I was a wreck. With my dad getting sick and being unstable some days, I had to find a solution to missing so much work and that was putting my two youngest kids in daycare. I reached out to so many facilities and no one had openings. I was put on over 10 wait lists so when I came across Precious Time I was so excited. Right from the start, communication was a joke. I had to request a tour multiple times after they sent me the paperwork. I always had to reach out to them first but everything. Finally after many cancellations, someone was available to give me a tour. I went after work one Friday after having turned in my paperwork two weeks prior. I notified them my children would start that following Monday and they told me I needed to pay the registration fees. No big deal. They seemed a little more expensive than other places but I needed care asap. I brought my kids that Monday and realized that I didn’t have the pin to get into the main door. No big deal, it’s their first day. The lunch lady had an attitude because she saw that new kids were starting that morning and she wasn’t told how many more kids to cook for and then while dropping my 16 month old off at his class, there was a baby (most likely around 3 months old) that was just dropped off for their first day crying uncontrollably. Her caregiver was obviously annoyed because of the crying and was swinging the baby in the swing very forcefully to try and calm them while rolling her eyes and muttering things under her breath. I was thankful that she wasn’t my sons teacher but it definitely didn’t put my at ease. I came to get them later and still no pin to the door. I also found out from my toddlers teacher that there was an app to see my kids care for the day like food intake, diapers changed, mood, etc. Management didn’t tell me that. I didn’t even have the login info and the teachers didn’t tell me anything about how my kids did, just gave me their stuff and rushed me out the door. Second day, I drop them off with still no pin for the door & no login information for the online app. A few hours later while at work, I get a call from the director stating if I didn’t turn my kid’s registration forms in by the end of the day, they couldn’t return. I emailed them TWO WEEKS before their start date. These forms included their allergies, their names, their information, consent forms, contact, etc. Why were these not reviewed before taking my kids into their care? What if they had allergies they weren’t aware of & something bad happened? I let her know they were sent a few weeks prior but that I would send them again. When I picked the kids up later on, she said that their forms had went into her spam folder so she couldn’t find them. I was reviewing the paperwork later on and noticed that the registration fees/additional fees were a lot less than what I was quoted and paid. It seems that I was charged over double the price for the fees. I reached out to the director through email about this and no response. Shocking. I finally got a pin for the door though on the 3rd day but it didn’t work. Shocking. I reached out again about the online app but apparently it was “down”. Shocking. I was finally fed up and took my kids out of the facility. After only 3 days, I was done with this place. My 3 years olds teachers were amazing from what I saw and she told me but with the unprofessional management, not knowing the care my kids were receiving due to no updates & no app login info, the double charging of the fees, etc. my mama heart couldn’t drop my kids off there anymore. I reached out THREE more times about the fees I paid and a week later, I still have no response from anyone. I went to get my children’s things and the director met me at the door, pretty much shoved them into my hands, and didn’t have anything else to say. Please don’t bring your kids here.

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