Description: As parents and teachers, we are interested in good beginnings for young children. The right start in early years is an invaluable aid to the continuous unfolding of a child’s potential. Our curriculum is activity based and we believe children learn through play. We would like to offer your child a stimulating, secure and warm home away from home. Children are special and we believe in praising them for their accomplishments. Each child will be able to progress at his/her own pace, so that he/she can experiment, discover and learn. We will also try to develop their independence and confidence. We provide a learning environment with many experiences that children will investigate, represent and share.
Our loving and supportive staff respects each child’s individual capabilities and nurtures their self-esteem and creativity. Through encouraging self-expression, play and initiating choices of materials and equipment, we promote each child’s emotional, social, cognitive, language and physical development.
Our staff also sees family as partners in each child’s development and encourages ongoing communication and input.
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