Description: OAKLAND SUNSHINE DAY CARE & LNG CTR is a Child Care Center in PITTSBURGH PA, with a maximum capacity of 70 children. The provider also participates in a subsidized child care program.
Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.
Inspection Date | Reason | Description | Status |
2020-07-31 | Renewal | 3270.124(c) - Each child care space | Compliant - Finalized |
Noncompliance Area: There was a child receiving in care in the infant room without having an emergency contact form in the room where he was receiving care. There was a child receiving in care in the Preschool 3 room without having an emergency contact form in the room where he was receiving care Correction Required: When children are in the facility, emergency contact information shall be present in a child care space for children receiving care in the space. |
Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more
information.) When children are being bumped from room to room for ratio reasons all staff will make sure that they also have the emergency contact form for ALL children in their care. The missing form was added to the classroom. |
2020-07-31 | Renewal | 3270.31(e)(4)(ii)/3270.192(2)(iii) - Fire safety - 1 yr./Exp, educ., training at facility | Compliant - Finalized |
Noncompliance Area: The most recent fire safety training on file for Staff person #1, #2, and #3 is dated 6/2/20, more than 1 year after the previous training. Correction Required: Staff persons shall participate, at least annually, in firesafety training conducted by a fire protection professional. Staff persons and volunteers shall receive training in maintenance of smoke detectors, the duties of facility persons during a fire drill and during a fire and the use of the facility's fire extinguishers, not including discharge of the fire suppressant agent.A facility person's record shall include verification of child care experience, education and training following the outset of service at the facility. |
Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more
information.) Due to COVID-19 we were unable to meet this code in a timely fashion. We did however have it completed on 06/02/2020 which was the earliest date available for us. Staff persons will participate, at least annually, in fire safety training conducted by a fire protection professional. |
2020-07-31 | Renewal | 3270.32(a)/3270.192(2)(iii) - Comply with CPSL/Exp, educ., training at facility | Compliant - Finalized |
Noncompliance Area: The most recent mandated reporter training on file for Staff person #1, dated 4/29/15, is dated more than 60 months ago. The most recent mandated reporter training on file for Staff person #, dated7/2/15, is dated more than 60 months ago. The most recent mandated reporter training on file for Staff person #3, dated 7/2/15, is dated more than 60 months ago. Correction Required: The operator shall comply with the CPSL and with Chapter 3490 (relating to protective services). A facility person's record shall include verification of child care experience, education and training following the outset of service at the facility. |
Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more
information.) Unfortunately we were unaware that the mandated reporter training is to be completed every 5 years. All facility persons will have updated mandated reporter training within 60months and there after from here on out. Staff #1, #2, and #3 have completed the training. |
2020-07-31 | Renewal | 3270.77(a) - No peeling paint or plaster | Compliant - Finalized |
Noncompliance Area: There was peeling paint on the wall by the window across from the door in the toddler room to the right of the bathroom on the 2nd floor. Correction Required: Peeled or damaged paint or damaged plaster is not permitted on indoor or outdoor surfaces in the child care facility. |
Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more
information.) The peeling paint on the wall by the window across from the door in the toddler room to the right of the bathroom on the 2nd floor has been repaired. We will monitor the facility and repair any damaged paint as it occurs. |
2020-07-31 | Renewal | 3270.82(h) - Handwashing signs | Compliant - Finalized |
Noncompliance Area: There was not a handwashing sign at each sink and each toilet in the 1st floor older toddler bathroom. Correction Required: A facility person and an able child shall wash his hands after toileting and before eating. A sign on which this requirement is written shall be posted at each toilet, training chair, diapering area and sink in the facility. |
Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more
information.) The hand washing sign must've came down over the toilet in the boys bathroom. The sign was laminated and replaced same day. All toilets and sinks will have hand washing signs over them. |
2019-07-29 | Renewal | 3270.102(a) - Clean and good repair | Compliant - Finalized |
Noncompliance Area: The 2nd floor Pre-K room contained several foam blocks which had teeth marks and pieces of foam missing. Correction Required: Toys, play equipment and other indoor and outdoor equipment used by the children shall be clean, in good repair and free from rough edges, sharp corners, pinch and crush points, splinters and exposed bolts. |
Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more
information.) The inspector had all blocks in hand that had teeth marks and pieces of foam missing from them and they were immediately removed by her and given to the director that put them directly in the trashcan. All furniture and materials will be inspected daily to make are that they are in good repair, durable, safe, easily cleaned and appropriate for the child's size, age, and special needs. |
2019-07-29 | Renewal | 3270.104(a) - Clean, good repair, proper size | Compliant - Finalized |
Noncompliance Area: There were tears in the covering of the couch in the 2nd floor preschool 2 room and in the preschool transition room. There were tears on the climbing booster in the infant room. Correction Required: Furniture must be durable, safe, easily cleaned and appropriate for the child's size, age and special needs. |
Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more
information.) The 2nd floor preschool 2 room and transition room removed the couches from their classrooms immediately. All furniture will be inspected daily to make are that all furniture and materials are durable, safe, easily cleaned and appropriate for the child's size, age, and special needs. |
2019-07-29 | Renewal | 3270.113(a)(1) - Staff assigned to specific children | Compliant - Finalized |
Noncompliance Area: During an afternoon supervision and ratio check in the preschool 1 room, Staff person #1, who was alone with 8 preschool children, could not name of all of the children in her care. Correction Required: Each staff person shall be assigned the responsibility for supervision of specific children. The staff person shall know the names and whereabouts of the children in his assigned group. The staff person shall be physically present with the children in his group on the facility premises and on facility excursions off the facility premises. |
Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more
information.) The staff member stated that she had a moment of nervousness and couldn't think of the child's name. She also said before the inspector left the room, she was able to tell the inspector the child's name. Moving forward we have explained the importance of knowing all of the children's names and whereabouts no matter who is in the building. |
2019-07-29 | Renewal | 3270.123(b)/3270.182(8) - Parent receives original/Copy of initial and subsequent agreements. Parent receives original. | Compliant - Finalized |
Noncompliance Area: The agreement on file for Child #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, and #8 was the original agreement. The parent is to receive the original and the facility is to retain a copy. Correction Required: A parent shall receive the original agreement. The facility shall retain a copy of the agreement.A child's record shall contain a copy of the initial agreement and subsequent written agreements between the parent and the operator. The parent receives the original agreement. |
Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more
information.) Child #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, and #8's agreement forms will be copied and given to parents immediately. Originals will be given to parents. moving forward, all parents shall receive the original agreement at enrollment. We will keep the 'copy' of the agreement on file and subsequent written agreements between the parent and operator. |
2019-07-29 | Renewal | 3270.124(b)(2) - Physician name, address, phone | Compliant - Finalized |
Noncompliance Area: The emergency contact form on file for Child #3 does not include the address for the physician or health care provider and the file for Child #8 does not include the phone number for the physician or health care provider. Correction Required: Emergency contact information must include the name, address and telephone number of the child's physician or source of medical care. |
Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more
information.) Child #3 parent will add the address for the physician or healthcare provider on the emergency contact. Child #8's parent will add the phone number for the physician or health care provider on the emergency contact. All children enrolled in the center must have their Emergency contact COMPLETELY filled out, including names, addresses, and telephone numbers for the child's physician or source of medical care before the child can physically attend. |
2019-07-29 | Renewal | 3270.124(b)(3) - Parent home/work address, phone | Compliant - Finalized |
Noncompliance Area: The emergency contact form on file for Child #1 and #8 did not include the telephone number for the enrolling parent's place of employment. Correction Required: Emergency contact information must include the home and work addresses and telephone numbers of the enrolling parent. |
Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more
information.) Child #1's and Child's #8's parent will add the phone number for the enrolling parent's place of employment on the emergency contact. All children enrolled in the center must have their Emergency contact COMPLETELY filled out, including the home and work addresses and telephone numbers of the enrolling parent before the child can physically attend. |
2019-07-29 | Renewal | 3270.124(b)(7) - Name/address/phone release person | Compliant - Finalized |
Noncompliance Area: The emergency contact form on file for Child #1 did not include the address for all listed release persons. Correction Required: Emergency contact information must include the name, address and telephone number of the individual designated by the parent to whom the child may be released. |
Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more
information.) Child #1's parent will add the address for all listed release persons on the emergency contact. All children enrolled in the center must have their Emergency contact COMPLETELY filled out, including names, addresses, and telephone numbers for all individuals designated by the parent to whom the child may be released before the child can physically attend. |
2019-07-29 | Renewal | 3270.131(b)(2) - Toddler/preschool: updated health report every 12 months | Compliant - Finalized |
Noncompliance Area: The current health assessment on file for Child #8, dated 4/10/19, is dated more than 12 months after the previous health assessment from 11/9/17. Correction Required: The operator shall require the parent to provide an updated health report at least every 12 months for an older toddler or preschool child. |
Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more
information.) Child #8 will have physician complete the approved child health report form. All children enrolled in the program must have a current health assessment on file that includes a statement from the physician or health care professional that the child is able to attend child care and appears be free from contagious or communicable diseases within 60 days of enrollment and respectively after based on their age or they will be terminated immediately. |
2019-07-29 | Renewal | 3270.131(d)(7) - Free from contagious/communicable disease | Compliant - Finalized |
Noncompliance Area: The current health assessment on file for Child #8 does not include a statement from the physician or health care professional that the child is able to attend child care and appears to be free from contagious or communicable disease. Correction Required: A health report shall include a statement that the child is able to participate in child care and appears to be free from contagious or communicable disease. |
Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more
information.) Child #8 will have physician complete the approved child health report form stating that the enrolled child is able to attend child care and appears to be free from contagious or communicable diseases. All children enrolled in the program must have a current health assessment on file that includes a statement from the physician or health care professional that the child is able to attend child care and appears be free from contagious or communicable diseases within 60 days of enrollment and respectively after based on their age. |
2019-07-29 | Renewal | 3270.131(e) - ACIP recommended immunization record | Compliant - Finalized |
Noncompliance Area: The most recent influenza vaccination on file for Child #1 is dated 9/13/16, more than 12 months ago. The most recent influenza vaccination on file for Child #8 is dated 3/4/15, more than 12 months ago. An influenza vaccination is recommended every 12 months, as per the recommendations of the ACIP. The immunization record on file for Child #8 does not include the 4th Pneumococcal vaccination, which was to be given between 12-15 months of age, as per the recommendations of the ACIP. The immunization record on file for Child #8 does not include verification of the Hepatitis A vaccination, to be given in 2 doses 6 months apart, between the ages of 12-23 months, as per the recommendations of the ACIP. Correction Required: The facility may not accept or retain an infant 2 months of age or older, a toddler or a preschool child at the facility for more than 60 days following the first day of attendance at the facility unless the parent provides written verification from a physician, physician's assistant, CRNP, the Department of Health or a local health department of the dates (month, day and year) the child was administered immunizations in accordance with the recommendations of the ACIP. |
Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more
information.) Child #1's parent has completed the PA code 23.84 Exemption from Immunization form because she opted to not have her child immunized for the Flu Shot. All children will be up to date on all immunizations including the flu shot. Children who do not receive the flu shot or any other immunizations, must complete the PA Code 23.84 Exemption from immunization form. |
If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.
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Great Facility. So many creative way to learn. There is a true family feel. I truly recommend this facility to everyone!