Description: Nicole is a Family Child Care in Klamath Falls OR, with a maximum capacity of 10 children. The home-based daycare service helps with children in the age range of 2 years to 9 years 11 months. The provider also participates in a subsidized child care program.
CPR Food Handlers Permit 129 hours in various child development and special needs, various ECEs, currently participating in the ORO Steps program as well as Oregons QRIS star rating program, please call for specific details, ongoing education in different core areas approved by the state of Oregon.
Extended Hour Care: Early morning (starting between 3 am and 5:59 am),Evening (after 6:30 pm),Weekend (regular care on Saturday and/or Sunday),Flexible am,Flexible pmBe the first to review this childcare provider. Write a review about Nicole. Let other families know what’s great, or what could be improved. Please read our brief review guidelines to make your review as helpful as possible.
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