Little Palms Academy - Ft Lauderdale FL Child Care Facility

1016 17th St , Ft Lauderdale FL 33305
(954) 762-3188
1 Review

About the Provider

Description: Your child has fun in an active and changing curriculum. Besides diverse activities, we have an outdoor play area, and monthly field trips.

Your child has plenty of room to learn. Besides the outdoor play area, there is an arts and crafts center, or creative center. There is a separate area for the infants, a nap area, and a kitchen.

Do you only need your child looked after part of the time? We have flexible scheduling available, part time, full time, before school and after school programs. Half day or full day, we will work with you to find a plan that works best for you.

We also have a FREE VPK (Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten) program.

Can’t get your child to our location? Transportation from the elementary school is provided.

You child stays safe. Not only are our faculty CPR and First Aid certified, but we have video monitoring of all our classrooms.

Our bilingual staff speaks Spanish and Creole.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: C17BO0310
  • Capacity: 92
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
  • Type of Care: VPK Provider; After School;Before School;Drop In;Food Served;Full Day;Half Day;Infant Care;Transportation;Weekend Care
  • District Office: Judicial Circuit 17
    115.S. Andrews Avenue Room 119
    Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301
  • District Office Phone: (954) 357-4800 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


DOWNHILL FAST 2013-09-12 20:34:04

For 11 months my child went to this school and was welcomed and felt very comfortable. She made the change to VPK and all was well for the first 7 days, then all of a sudden she didn't want to go to that specific class. This came after the teacher was completely disrespectful to me in front of the director, who did absolutely nothing. That was the first week so the next week is when my child started to dislike the class. The teacher failed to give homework to 3 of the 15 children in the class and was constantly on the defensive when I was able to track her down. Now this teacher has been there only since the beginning of the school year and we have had 3 different teachers who adored my child and never had problems like this, actually she loved going to school. So after another conversation in which the teacher was rude and disrespectful once again, lost her temper and stormed off, the director, the owner and the teacher had a meeting and asked me to kindly go on my way with my child. This is a teacher that misspelled a word in handwriting and typewriting on her first week of homework which I had to cram in to get it done in one night. Hello!!! She is teaching our children beginning English skills! So after a track record of no issues other than 3 and 4 year old typical behavior, we have been asked to leave. DO NOT SEND YOUR CHILD THERE. They facility has become subpar in the past few months and you only have one choice of VPK teacher and if she cannot speak respectfully to you, you will be the one asked to leave. She disappears when school begins and then ends so no parent has the chance to speak with her. The staff are clicky, disrespect the NEW director, and there is a very high turn over. She does not do what she says and will get on the defensive if asked any question what so ever. I give it a one star due to the end of the 11 months, the rest of the time I would say it was "ok".

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