625 HOLLAND ST , ERIE PA 16501
(814) 453-5260

About the Provider


Our experts designed our classrooms - and every activity and lesson - to help prepare your child for success in school and beyond. With designated learning centers such as dramatic play and blocks in every classroom, children have the opportunity for rich social play and child-initiated discovery.

You’ll also find that our classrooms feature a print-rich environment full of carefully selected materials, written charts and labels, and children’s literature. By helping your child connect spoken words and print, we’re helping develop early literacy and writing skills.

Whether your child has first words or first grade on the horizon, we’re excited to show you how everything in our center is designed for learning!

Amy Loveranes, Center Director

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: CER-00181589
  • Capacity: 141
  • Age Range: 6 Weeks - 12 Years
  • State Rating: 4
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
  • Type of Care: Infant Programs, Toddler Programs, Discovery Preschool Programs, Preschool Programs, Prekindergarten Programs, Before and After School Programs, Summer Programs
  • Schools Served: Erie City - Pick-Up service to/from school
  • District Office: Early Learning Resource Center for Region 1
  • District Office Phone: (814) 836-5898 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Inspection Date Reason Description Status
2019-07-30 Renewal 3270.107 - Refrigerator Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: The thermometer in the Discovery Preschool Room was reading at 53 degrees.

Correction Required: A facility shall have an operable, clean refrigerator used to store potentially hazardous foods. The refrigerator shall be capable of maintaining food at 45 F or below. An operating thermometer shall be placed in the refrigerator.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
The refrigerator was adjusted and a new thermometer was placed. Now and in the future, facility will have an operable clean refrigerator with a thermometer showing the fridge is 45 degrees or less.
2019-07-30 Renewal 3270.124(b)(2) - Physician name, address, phone Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: The file for Child #3 contained an emergency contact form that was lacking the phone number of the child's physician.

Correction Required: Emergency contact information must include the name, address and telephone number of the child's physician or source of medical care.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
The missing information was added to the child's emergency contact form. Now and in the future, all emergency contact information will include the name, address and phone number of the child's physician or source of medical care.
2019-07-30 Renewal 3270.131(e)(1) - Exemption documentation from parent/guardian Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: The file for Child #1 contained an immunization schedule that was lacking 1-2 doses of Hepititis A vaccine. The file for Child #2 contained an immunization schedule that was lacking 3 doses of the rotovirus vaccine. The file for Child #4 contained an immunization schedule that was lacking 1 dose of HIB and 1 dose of PCV.

Correction Required: The facility shall require the parent to provide updated written verification from a physician, physician's assistant, CRNP, the Department of Health or a local health department of ongoing vaccines administered to an infant, toddler or preschool child in accordance with the schedule recommended by the ACIP.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
The required documentation of immunizations was obtained. Now and in the future all children will have updated immunization schedules in their files.
2019-07-30 Renewal 3270.161(c) - Food served discarded Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: In the Toddler 2 Room in the refrigerator were two open Tim Horton Cups with Straws that had been previously drank out of as well as a protein drink that had been drank from and returned to fridge.

Correction Required: Food that has been previously served to a person or returned from a table shall be discarded.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
All items were immediately removed and discarded. Now and in the future all food/drink that has been previously served will be discarded and not placed back in the refrigerator.
2019-07-30 Renewal 3270.192(3) - Health assessment, TB test Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: The Files for Staff #3, #4 and #6 were all lacking the initial health assessment with their initial TB tests.

Correction Required: A facility person's record shall include a written report of initial and subsequent health assessments, including the results of initial and subsequent tuberculin skin tests, x-rays or other medical documentation necessary to confirm freedom from communicable tuberculosis.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
The initial TB tests were obtained and will be kept in their files. Now and in the future, all staff files will include initial health assessments and TB.
2019-07-30 Renewal 3270.27(b) - Plan reviewed/updated annually Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: The emergency plan did not have an annual review of the plan.

Correction Required: The operator shall review the emergency plan at least annually and update the plan as needed. The operator shall document in writing each review and update of the emergency plan and kept on file at the facility.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
An annual review was conducted. Now and in the future, we shall review the emergency plan annually and update the plan as needed. Each review will be documented and kept on file at the facility.
2019-07-30 Renewal 3270.27(c) - Training regarding plan Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: The file for Staff #3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 all contain emergency plan training that was conducted more than a year ago.

Correction Required: The operator shall assure that each facility person receives training regarding the emergency plan at the time of initial employment, on an annual basis and at the time of each plan update. The operator shall document the date of each training and the names of all facility persons who received the training and kept on file at the facility.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
All of the above staff have reviewed the emergency plan. Now and in the future, operator will ensure that annual emergency plan training is documented for all staff members.
2019-07-30 Renewal 3270.32(a) - Comply with CPSL Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: The file for Staff #1contained a mandated reporter training that was obtained more than 90 days after the staff's date of hire. The file for Staff #2 contained a volunteer state police clearance. The file for Staff #5 and #7 were lacking the new updated signed disclosure statement.

Correction Required: The operator shall comply with the CPSL and with Chapter 3490 (relating to protective services).

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
Now and in the future all new hires will have mandated reporter training complete within 90 days of start of employment. A new state police clearance for employment purposes was obtained for Staff #2. Updated disclosure statements were obtained from Staff #5 and #7. Now and in the future operator will comply with the CPSL including clearances that are for employment purposes and new disclosure statements signed by all employees.
2019-07-30 Renewal 3270.66(e) - Arts and crafts non-toxic Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: There was shaving cream labeled keep out of reach of children that was used as an art and craft material.

Correction Required: Arts and crafts materials shall be nontoxic.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
Shaving Cream was immediately removed and disposed of. Now and in the future, arts and crafts materials shall be non-toxic
2019-07-30 Renewal 3270.77(a) - No peeling paint or plaster Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: In the Toddler 2 Room, peeling paint on the windows was observed.

Correction Required: Peeled or damaged paint or damaged plaster is not permitted on indoor or outdoor surfaces in the child care facility.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
Peeling paint was removed and repainted. Now and in the future, there will be no peeling or damaged paint in the facility.
2019-07-30 Renewal 3270.82(h) - Handwashing signs Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: In the downstairs preschool room and School age room, the restrooms were lacking handwashing signs above the toilets in the room.

Correction Required: A facility person and an able child shall wash his hands after toileting and before eating. A sign on which this requirement is written shall be posted at each toilet, training chair, diapering area and sink in the facility.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
Handwashing signs were posted at the stations mentioned above. Now and in the future, handwashing signs will be posted at each toilet, training chair, diapering area and sink in the facility.
2018-07-30 Renewal 3270.102(a) - Clean and good repair Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: The push up bar/mirror in the Toddler A room was observed to be very loose.

Correction Required: Toys, play equipment and other indoor and outdoor equipment used by the children shall be clean, in good repair and free from rough edges, sharp corners, pinch and crush points, splinters and exposed bolts.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
The bar/mirror was tightened. Now and in the future all equipment will be checked for potential hazards on a regular basis.
2018-07-30 Renewal 3270.103 - Small Toys and Objects Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: In the preschool room, foam number blocks, foam farm animals and foam blocks were all observed with bite marks. In the Pre-K room there were foam brick blocks and foam wooden blocks observed with bite marks. In the toddler and toddler A classrooms cotton balls were observed in the sensory table accessible to the children.

Correction Required: Toys and objects with a diameter of less than 1 inch, objects with removable parts that have a diameter of less than 1 inch, plastic bags and styrofoam objects may not be accessible to children who are still placing objects in their mouths.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
All objects were removed. Now and in the future, all items that pose a chocking risk to young children will be locked up or removed.
2018-07-30 Renewal 3270.107 - Refrigerator Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: The refrigerator in the Discovery Preschool room was lacking a thermometer.

Correction Required: A facility shall have an operable, clean refrigerator used to store potentially hazardous foods. The refrigerator shall be capable of maintaining food at 45 F or below. An operating thermometer shall be placed in the refrigerator.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
The broken thermometer was replaced. Now and in the future a working thermometer will be kept in each refrigerator.
2018-07-30 Renewal 3270.123(a)(1) - Amount of fee Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: The file for Child #2, 5, 6, 7, and 8 all contained fee agreements that were lacking the amount to be charged.

Correction Required: An agreement shall specify the amount of the fee to be charged per day or per week.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
All amounts were completed. Now and in the future all agreements will specify the amount of the fee to be charged per day or week.

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


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