ITB Lighthouse of Love and Laughter - Mountain City TN Centers Care for 13 or more children

1982 Crossroads Dr. , Mountain City TN 37683
(423) 727-0550
5 Reviews

About the Provider

Description: ITB Lighthouse of Love and Laughter is a Centers Care for 13 or more children in Mountain City TN, with a maximum capacity of 24 children. This child care center helps with children in the age range of 6 WK to 6 YR. The provider also participates in a subsidized child care program.

Additional Information: 2 star Centers Care for 13 or more children;

Program and Licensing Details

  • Capacity: 24
  • Age Range: 6 WK to 6 YR
  • State Rating: 2
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
  • Transportation: NO
  • District Office: Tennessee Child Care Licensing
  • District Office Phone: (423)845-5041 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)
  • Licensor: Glenna Jones

Location Map


Jesse Compton 2020-06-19 01:53:01
I have used this provider for more than 6 months

They are amazing with my little girl. The go out of the way daily to accommodate her routine. They French her hair from time to time and ensures she's happy. I recommend to any parent.

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Happy Child happy momma 2019-12-24 03:33:28
I have used this provider for more than 6 months

The staff is absolutely amazing with my child. He looks forward to school each day. So happy with the care and feedback provided to him. They are such a blessing!!

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Christian 2019-10-06 20:50:47
I have used this provider for more than 6 months

I am appalled at the comment that I just read from an employee named Naaah. As a parent who has enrolled three children to be cared for at this daycare over the past 12 years, this just sounds like a disgruntled employee who is venting and spouting hurtful lies as a means of revenge.
I find that the owner and her staff are always courteous and attentive to my children’s needs, and they give me regular reports and updates on my children. There is an open door policy and I am often encouraged to just drop by anytime for a visit, or to even volunteer in the classroom. My children have learned and thrived as a result of attending this daycare. Even when my children display undesirable behaviors, the staff informs me and offer me suggestions to help with positive guidance to change the behaviors at home and at the daycare. I was very grateful that they were willing to help me with my children. It is obvious that the staff really care about my children and our family.
Since the daycare is a state licensed facility, they are required to provide healthy and nutritious meals and snacks, and follow strict standards and staffing guidelines. If there were these types of things happening, wouldn’t the state take action? The staff is extensively trained and knowledgeable, as well as medically trained to handle accidents and possible emergencies. I am glad that my kids are getting care where there is additional oversight and not in someone’s living room with a bunch of other kids by someone who is not monitored or held to minimum safety standards.
The only “problem” with my children that I have as a result of their going to this daycare is that sometimes they are having so much fun, that they throw a fit when it was time to leave. They enjoy the staff and love being there. I am glad that I have a place that I trust to care for my children while I go to work every day.
My experience is nothing but positive for all three of my children, and I am always glad to send referrals of parents to this daycare for their children. I encourage any parent wanting to have daycare services for their kids to drop by as the staff is always encouraging parents to do. Parents should visit any center they are considering for care and learning. A parent should find out first-hand how the place is run and the care that is being offered to children, instead of taking the word of anyone, much less an unnamed person who is obviously biased.

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Naaah 2019-06-19 01:41:20
I am an employee

I worked here and my child attended for more than 6 months. I noticed a lot of concerning things in that time and ultimately pulled my child out. Among these concerns was a child constantly hitting and biting with no extra measures to stop him or protect younger kids and babies. Lots of shaming, isolating, labeling, and gross talk.
I heard a worker talking about how a child there looked like a pimp. I watched as a young child was shamed into not crying from missing his mom and told to go to the bathroom if he was going to cry. Meanwhile girls could cry openly. I occasionally witnessed children put in cribs for no reason but convenience for workers to clean despite the child being distraught. There were "good kids" and "bad kids". The kids were sent home with artwork that was supposedly their art work but really a worker did 99 percent of it. When I had concerns for my child I was gaslighted. I was critized for my parenting style and for what I wanted for my child. Ex. I did not want my child using a walker as they are dangerous. I was told there's nothing they can do about children using the toys. Another child was not suppose to have unhealthy foods but was given them anyway and told they better not tell their parents. There was one kid who had asthma. Despite this he never had any inhaler or nebulizer or whatever there in case. Workers would go smoke outside and come back in wreaking of smoke causing the poor kid difficulty breathing. They did not care- the owner refused to set any plan of action in place. Hazardous items were left in possible reach. Ex diaper rash creme on a tall shelf that a child previously climbed up on unsupervised. I could go on all day but nevertheless just don't send your child there.

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A concerned citizen 2018-09-24 20:56:34
I have used this provider for less than 6 months

My child would come home starving, even if the chart said she ate everything. Bruises would be all over her, with bite marks.. no accident report was done. The employees stay on their phone all the time. Every drop off and pick up. Phones were always being used. The owners are act like they don't care about the well being of the children. When speaking with Johnson City DHS, good things weren't said about this childcare. I immediately pulled my daughter.

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