Forks Ymca Education Center - Easton PA Child Care Center

(610) 250-7193

About the Provider

Description: The Family YMCA of Easton, Phillipsburg & Vicinity is a nonprofit charitable organization that promotes Judeo-Christian principles through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: CER-00176278
  • Capacity: 176
  • State Rating: 1
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
  • Schools Served: Easton Area
  • District Office: Early Learning Resource Center for Region 14
  • District Office Phone: (610) 437-6000 ext 2 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Inspection Date Reason Description Status
2020-07-09 Renewal 3270.102(a) - Clean and good repair Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: There was a metal shelf unit in the outdoor play space that was rusty in several spots.

Correction Required: Toys, play equipment and other indoor and outdoor equipment used by the children shall be clean, in good repair and free from rough edges, sharp corners, pinch and crush points, splinters and exposed bolts.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
Shelf was immediately thrown in the dumpster. Staff will check all equipment to make sure there is no rust or other damage.
2020-07-09 Renewal 3270.65 - Protective Outlet Covers 5 yrs. or less Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: Outlet covers were missing from outlets in 3 rooms.

Correction Required: Protective receptacle covers shall be placed in electrical outlets accessible to children 5 years of age or younger.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
Outlet covers were immediately replaced. Staff will make sure to check that all outlets have protective covers daily.
2020-07-09 Renewal 3270.77(a) - No peeling paint or plaster Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: There was a small area of peeling paint on one of the walls in PS 4.

Correction Required: Peeled or damaged paint or damaged plaster is not permitted on indoor or outdoor surfaces in the child care facility.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
We will patch and repaint the area of peeling paint. Staff will check for peeling paint and report it to Director.
2019-12-13 Complaints- Legal Location 3270.113(b) - No physical punishment Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: On December 4, 2019, child #1got up off his cot during naptime. Staff person #1 went after him, picked him up by the back of his shirt and then placed him on the floor and slapped him with an open hand one time on his bottom. She then picked him up by his shirt again and put him back on his cot.

Correction Required: A facility person may not use any form of physical punishment, including spanking a child. The legal entity and the facility Director will attend an existing provider orientation at the Northeast Regional Office in Scranton, PA on February 19, 2020. The legal entity or Director must call the Regional Office at 1-800-222-2108 ASAP to register.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
Julie Novick - site Director and Crystal Messer-legal entity rep will attend provider orientation on February 19, 2020. Both have already completed registration for the orientation.
2019-10-15 Renewal 3270.151(a) - 12 months prior to service and every 24 months thereafter Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: Staff person #3's last health assessment was 9/13/17,which is more than 24 months ago.

Correction Required: A facility person providing direct care who comes into contact with the children or who works with food preparation shall have a health assessment conducted within 12 months prior to providing initial service in a child care setting and every 24 months thereafter. A health assessment is valid for 24 months following the date of signature, if the person does not contract a communicable disease or develop a medical problem.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
Updated physical attached for staff person #3. Moving forward, staff files will be checked quarterly to be sure all files are up to date.
2019-10-15 Renewal 3270.192(2)(iv) - Transcript, diploma and letters Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: Staff person #1 did not have verification of education on file.

Correction Required: A facility person's record shall include acceptable verification of experience, education or training is a transcript or a diploma or a letter signed by a representative of the experiential, educational or training entity.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
Attachment #2-staff person #1 high school diploma. When staff person was originally hired she had not graduated h.s. yet so had nothing on file, moving forward we will check staff files quarterly to be sure they are up to date.
2019-10-15 Renewal 3270.192(5) - Two written references Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: Staff person #2 only had one written reference on file.

Correction Required: A facility person's record shall include two written, nonfamily references from individuals attesting to the person's suitability to serve as a facility person

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
Staff #2 has resigned. See attachment #3. moving forward all staff will have 2 written references on file prior to first date of employment.
2019-01-11 Renewal 3270.102(a) - Clean and good repair Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: In the indoor gym, there was a plastic bin containing toys which was cracked.

Correction Required: Toys, play equipment and other indoor and outdoor equipment used by the children shall be clean, in good repair and free from rough edges, sharp corners, pinch and crush points, splinters and exposed bolts.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
Plastic bin was tossed into garbage and replaced with new bin.
2019-01-11 Renewal 3270.106(a) - Clean, age appropriate Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: The cots in Preschool 4 were not labeled for individual children.

Correction Required: Individual, clean, age-appropriate rest equipment shall be provided for preschool, toddler and infant children as agreed between the child's parent and the operator. The rest equipment shall be labeled for the use of a specific child and used only by the specified child.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
Cots will be labeled . A photo showing the correction will be submitted to K.Moran no later than 1/25/19.
2019-01-11 Renewal 3270.107 - Refrigerator Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: The thermometer in the toddler 1 room's refrigerator read 60 degrees during the inspection.

Correction Required: A facility shall have an operable, clean refrigerator used to store potentially hazardous foods. The refrigerator shall be capable of maintaining food at 45 F or below. An operating thermometer shall be placed in the refrigerator.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
A new thermometer will be placed in the refrigerator no later than 1/25/19.
2019-01-11 Renewal 3270.131(a) - Within 60 days Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: Children #1 and 2 did not have completed health reports on file.

Correction Required: The operator shall require the parent of an enrolled child, including a child, a foster child and a relative of an operator or a facility person, to provide an initial health report no later than 60 days following the first day of attendance at the facility.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
Health reports (current) from Child #1 and Child #2 will be submitted no later than 1/25/19. If child report is not turned in , child will be suspended until current reports are turned in.
2019-01-11 Renewal 3270.131(b)(2) - Toddler/preschool: updated health report every 12 months Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: Child #1, a preschool aged child, health report was signed 8/11/2017. The health report has not been updated in over 12 months.

Correction Required: The operator shall require the parent to provide an updated health report at least every 12 months for an older toddler or preschool child.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
A current health report for child #1 will be completed no later than 1/25/19. If no health report is submitted, child will be suspended until proper paperwork is complete.
2019-01-11 Renewal 3270.133(5) - Original label Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: There was a bottle of expired Children's Tylenol at the facility. Expiration date on the bottle was May 2018.

Correction Required: Medication shall be stored in accordance with the manufacturer's or health professional's instructions on the original label.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
Tylenol was tossed into the garbage on 1/14/19.
2019-01-11 Renewal 3270.77(a) - No peeling paint or plaster Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: There was an area of peeling paint on the bathroom wall of Preschool 4 room.

Correction Required: Peeled or damaged paint or damaged plaster is not permitted on indoor or outdoor surfaces in the child care facility.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
Peeling paint will be patched and repainted no later than 1/25/19.
2019-01-11 Renewal 3270.94(a) - Fire drill every 60 days Compliant - Finalized

Noncompliance Area: Per the facility's fire drill log, there has not been a fire drill since 10/29/18.

Correction Required: A fire drill shall be held at least every 60 days. Facility persons and children in attendance shall participate in the fire drill. Facility persons and children shall exit the building, weather permitting.

Provider Response: (Contact the State Licensing Office for more information.)
A fire drill was completed on 1/14/19. Fire drills will continue on a monthly basis per STARS requirements.

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


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