Mother's Day Out Prschl And Cc Center - Racine WI Licensed Group Child Care

212 11Th St , RACINE WI 53403
(262) 632-7311

About the Provider

Description: Mother's Day Out Prschl And Cc Center is a Licensed Group Child Care in RACINE WI, with a maximum capacity of 83 children. This child care center helps with children in the age range of 1 Week(s) - 13 Year(s). The provider does not participate in a subsidized child care program.

Additional Information: Open SEP - JULThis provider is not participating in YoungStar. Initial License Date: 8/28/1997.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: 225129
  • Capacity: 83
  • Age Range: 1 Week(s) - 13 Year(s)
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
  • District Office: Wisconsin Dept of Children and Families (DCF)- Child Care Regulation and Licensing
  • District Office Phone: 608-266-9314 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Violation Date Rule Number Rule Summary
2021-08-05 Licensing No violations found ***
2020-08-21 Licensing No violations found ***
2019-12-04 251.07(6)(dm)3.c Medical Log - Medication Administration
Description: Medications dispensed to children were not recorded in the medical log book.
2019-12-04 251.07(6)(f)1.a. Medication Administration - Parent Authorization
Description: Written authorizations that exceeded the length of time on the labels were discovered in the medication storage container.
2019-06-14 251.06(9)(d)2.a. Food Storage - Dry Food
Description: A small bag of Scooby snacks and a large box of Goldfish crackers were opened and not placed in a zip-loc style bag or in a food grade covered container.
2019-06-14 251.09(1)(k) Infant & Toddler - Bedding
Description: Blanket in the infant/toddler room was not tightly tucked under the mattress of a sleeping toddler and was observed near the toddlers face.
2019-06-14 251.07(4)(c) Naps Or Rest Periods - Sleeping Surfaces, Placement
Description: Children were napping on sleeping bags that were not placed at least 2 feet apart from each other.
2018-11-19 251.07(6)(i)2. Adult Handwashing
Description: Staff in the yellow room did not wash their hands prior to serving snack.
2018-11-19 251.06(5)(d) Cleanliness Of Equipment, Furnishings, Sanitation Of Eating Surfaces
Description: The table in the yellow room was not cleaned and sanitized prior to children eating snack at it.
2018-11-19 251.06(5)(b)1. Deteriorating Paint
Description: There is flaking paint on the steps that lead to the second floor.
2018-11-19 251.06(2)(b) Electrical Or Hot Surface Protection
Description: Portions of a radiator pipe are exposed in the yellow room, and are very hot.
2018-11-19 251.06(4)(j) Fire Alarms & Smoke Detectors - Maintenance, Drills, Testing
Description: There is no documentation of smoke detector testing in June, July and August 2018.
2018-11-19 251.07(5)(a)4. Meals & Snacks - Minimum Meal Requirements
Description: Snack served in the yellow room did not meet minimum requirements. Crackers and water were served.
2018-11-19 251.04(5)(a)4. Staff File - Physical Examination Report
Description: The files for staff E and F do not contain the required physical exam report.
2018-11-19 251.07(6)(i)1. Washing Child's Hands & Face
Description: Children in the yellow room age two, and one one year old did not have their hands washed with soap and running water prior to eating snack, they were wiped with a baby wipe.

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


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Providers in ZIP Code 53403