Devonshire Infant Center - Chatsworth CA INFANT CENTER

(818) 700-2821
2 Reviews

About the Provider

Description: We are aware of how many parents are dissatisfied with the existing childcare options. For this reason, the teachers and staff of Devonshire Preschool and Infant Center are dedicated to creating a place where children receive quality care in an environment that is safe, clean and nurturing, with endless opportunities for learning;….a place that not only fosters a child’s physical, social, emotional and intellectual development, but that takes it a step further by teaching the basics of discipline, respect and manners as well.

Devonshire Preschool and Infant Center is responsive to the needs of parents and understands the stress of today’s lifestyle and responds by opening early, staying open late and scheduling parent meetings as needed.

We are committed to providing the best possible care for your child while also being sensitive to your needs as parents. This is a unique and innovative approach to childcare. Our philosophy is a “Back to Basics” approach where we provide a safe, clean and stimulating environment for children to play, learn and grow in, while teaching children self-esteem, respect and responsibility. Here they have opportunities they would not encounter in a home setting that will spark their interest, stimulate their curiosity, and invite interaction. Furthermore, our facility allows us to provide parents with a place where all the needs of their child can be met under one roof including Infant Care, Preschool, and extracurricular classes. Teachers identify learning styles and formulate a program tailored to maximize learning opportunities for each student individually.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: 197494575
  • Capacity: 46
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
  • Initial License Issue Date: 2021-01-12
  • District Office Phone: (310) 337-4333 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Type Inspection Dates Reports/Citations
Summary 12/13/2018, 06/22/2017 No Citation

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


Concerned Parent 2012-10-16 05:34:22

I am writing this review as a concerned parent.  I wish more parents would write reviews both good and bad about places, especially daycare centers.  It’s so hard to leave your child in the care of someone else and even scarier when the child can’t even talk yet.  My husband and I looked at several daycare centers and ultimately chose Devonshire Preschool and Infant Center.  However, our experience there did not start off so well and went down hill from there.  When I was dropping off paperwork before my daughter even started attending the center, the Director Lorell Butterworth called my daughter by another child’s name.  I politely corrected her and didn’t think much of it at the time, but this was the start of a pattern that persisted for the three weeks our daughter spent at the center.  At different times throughout this period, we found our daughter’s bibs in another little girl’s basket of belongings and one of our daughter’s blankets was sent home with another family. On several occasions when we mentioned our concern that our daughter was being mixed up with another child, all the staff did was basically say sorry and alternate the children’s baskets boy-girl to help avoid mixing up their things.  This didn’t seem to help the problem at all, though, because even after this change was made, our daughter came home wearing another child’s diaper. One of the assistant teachers even asked my husband if our last name was our daughter’s nickname after having worked with our daughter every day for weeks!


We also asked the infant center teachers not to use diaper cream on her unless absolutely necessary. We found that this message clearly didn’t get through to them, so we went so far as to bring our daughter’s diaper cream home from the center. The next day we found our daughter wearing the other girl’s diaper once again, and of course she had plenty of diaper cream on her. 


Our final straw was when my husband found our two-month-old daughter sleeping on her tummy in her crib with her blanket up to her shoulders.  Basically every major child healthcare agency (including those of the state of Calif. and Los Angeles County) recommends that infants be put to sleep on their backs only, as having infants sleep on their stomachs has been linked to a higher incidence of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome).


We were told this was done by a staff member from another room who was covering for the main teacher and that this other staff member was not trained in infant care.  When we brought this huge safety concern to Mrs. Butterworth’s attention, she said that the staff member’s supervisor should have never sent her in that room. 


We also found out that the center uses microwaves to warm formula bottles. I explained to Mrs. Butterworth the potential harm of the formula not heating evenly or the microwave breaking down chemicals in the plastic. Thankfully our daughter is on breastmilk, which they warm in a bowl of hot water, and she takes formula as needed at room temperature. 


We were promised on numerous occasions that things would change but we still kept seeing careless mistakes happening over and over.  We were writing notes left and right on her papers, and I felt like the very detailed intake forms I filled out were never read. We are very involved parents and want the best for our child.  Perhaps it comes from me working with infants and children since I was 14, having a B.A. in child development and a minor in psychology, a masters in speech and language, as well as working in a few daycare centers myself. 


Other parents may not have had similar issues, and the staff is nice; however niceness doesn’t keep our child safe. I hope this detailed review encourages other parents to follow their instincts and voice their opinions when it comes to their children. My husband and I thought we did our research, but sometimes research doesn’t always give you what you are looking for, and you have to take a chance that the center is telling you the truth about the training of their staff. Even calling the state for citations on daycare centers only does some good because if no one reports a citation or the state doesn’t catch it, then there is no record of it. After the first two days at our new daycare we are very pleased we made the right choice the second time around. They had her picture on her cubby by the end of the first day, something that took Devonshire Preschool and Infant Center two weeks to accomplish. Maybe small steps like that could have helped prevent them from constantly confusing her with another child. Given all of the issues we experienced in such a short time at Devonshire Preschool and Infant Center, we recommend sending your infant elsewhere for the sake of their health and safety.     

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advocate 2011-08-07 17:52:35

Devonshire preschool and Infant Center is not the place for children.  The owner has no experience with children or education in the field of Child Development.  The director and owner are always yelling at the children and do not meet the needs of children.  Classrooms are run like military camps.  The staff is mistreated and discriminated aginst as well.  It is sad that parents think their children are safe and nurtured in this facility.  Check with liscensing before you enroll your child.  Many citations!!!!! 

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