Description: Our program works with children of all ages and abilities. We offer an understanding and loving environment filled with educational field trips to help children foster their individual growth and personality. We strive to engage each child to reach their full potential, as an individual, and as a group.
Harvard and Lookingglass area, Harvard and Lookingglass area Roseburg OR 97471
Achievement and/or Accreditations5 Star QRIS/Spark Rating
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program:Yes
Languages Supported:English, Sign Language
Type of Care:Before School, Daytime, Full-Time, Kindergarten
Transportation:Field Trips
Schools Served:Fullerton IV
Location Map
Mgal2018-08-01 03:11:32
I have used this provider for more than 6 months
Excellent child care provider! Only person I’d trust with our lil guy! She is firm but loving. She teaches & has field trips to places like the blueberry farm! Wonderful highly recommend her center!
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Excellent child care provider! Only person I’d trust with our lil guy! She is firm but loving. She teaches & has field trips to places like the blueberry farm! Wonderful highly recommend her center!