Description: Calvary Baptist Preschool, a ministry of Calvary Baptist Church, is a not-for-profit organization under the purview of the Tennessee Association of Christian Schools. Our center accepts children 12 months to 12 years of age and is open Monday-Friday 6AM to 6PM. With a combined experience of 75+ years, our personnel are able to provide excellent care as well as create interactive learning opportunities to fit the need of your child. A special curriculum is provided for the three and four class in preparation for Kindergarten 5. Kindergarten 5 is a half-day program in which the students have the option of going home or spending the remainder of the day in the daycare center. After-school care is also provided for school-aged children through the sixth grade.
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One of the best childcare facilities in the area. If you want your child well taken care of and learning early, Calvary can't be beat.
I would not send my worst enemies child to this so called daycare. The last director let several serious incidents involving the children go unreported and kept teachers on staff who did nothing but sit on their cell phone instead of watching the kids, and teachers who would start fights with other teachers because they didn’t like the way the other teachers handled some problems. Darla Tapp, Shayla Kirkpatrick, Jessi Hyde and Anna Dunaway all need to be fired and reported. This facility is not a daycare. It is a messed up show of unqualified and unprofessional teachers and directors. This place needs to be shut down before something happens to one of those children because the neglect the teachers have showed.