Bright Imaginations Early Learning & Daycare - Manteca CA In-Home Daycare

E. Atherton Drive and Main Street , Manteca CA 95337
(510) 529-6716

About the Provider

Description: At Bright Imaginations, our objective is to promote advanced child development which encompasses math, literature, science, art as well as a secondary language. We take pride in promoting significant love, care, and respect for each child. We are enthused to provide a clean, safe and comfortable environment where children can grow cognitively, socially and emotionally. The skills each child will develop while in our care are designed to each child's learning style. We are passionate about caring for your child and the importance of their academic future to be successful throughout school and into adulthood.

Additional Information: Monday-Friday 5:00 am to 6:00 pm Saturday 7:00 am to 4:00 pm 6 days a week Aftercare & Overnight Hours Available Conveniently close to Hwy120 & Hwy99 All Meals Provided: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner Providing tansportation to our neighboring schools: Veritas, Walter Woodward, and Nile Garden Elementary Credentials: State Licensed: #393621625 First Aid Training, CPR Training, Early Child Development Coursework Convenient Payment Methods: Cash or Credit Card
Bright Imaginations Early Learning & Daycare Photos: (Click to enlarge)

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: 393621625
  • Capacity: 8
  • Age Range: 0-5 years old
  • Rate Range $35 a day
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
  • Type of Care: After School, Before School, Before and After School, Daytime, Drop-in Care, Emergency Care, Full-Time, Kindergarten, Part-Time
  • Transportation: To/From School

Location Map


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