Description: BGR offers after-school activities for young people in kindergarten through eigth grade, Monday through Friday from 3 to 6:15 p.m. BGR staff picks up students from P.S. 15, Girls Prep, P.S. 64, P.S. 111, Earth School and and P.S. 34. On most school holidays, BGR programming is in session from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
BGR's after-school program provides a safe, structured and nurturing environment that supports and enhances academic success, giving students opportunities to explore and discover themselves and their surroundings, and increases self-esteem. Offerings include homework help and tutoring, computer learning, sports and recreation, arts education, and self-government and youth leadership activities. Fridays are extremely dynamic at BGR, with Citizen's Choice and Self-Government Committees offering everything from community service projects to bake sales, field trips, tournaments and contests. (Read more on our after-school program page.)
Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.
Date | Type | Regulations | Status |
2021-07-14 | Violation | 414.14(b) | Corrected |
Brief Description: Each applicant for, or individual in the position of director, teacher, or volunteer must complete Office- approved training that complies with federal minimum health and safety pre-service or three-month orientation period requirements. This training must be obtained pre-service or within three months of starting such position. | |||
2021-07-14 | Violation | 414.14(b) | Corrected |
Brief Description: Each applicant for, or individual in the position of director, teacher, or volunteer must complete Office- approved training that complies with federal minimum health and safety pre-service or three-month orientation period requirements. This training must be obtained pre-service or within three months of starting such position. | |||
2020-05-07 | Violation | 414.2(e) | Not Corrected |
Brief Description: Renewal. Applicants for renewal of a registration must submit to the Office at least 60 days in advance of the expiration date of the registration the following: | |||
2020-05-07 | Violation | 414.2(e)(5) | Not Corrected |
Brief Description: Applicants for renewal of a registration must submit to the Office at least 60 days in advance of the expiration date of the registration the following: documentation showing compliance with the training requirements of section 414.14 of this Part; | |||
2020-05-07 | Violation | 414.2(e)(11) | Not Corrected |
Brief Description: Applicants for renewal of a registration must submit to the Office at least 60 days in advance of the expiration date of the registration the following: documentation from an inspector for the New York State Department of Labor or an insurance company licensed to write boiler insurance in New York State showing that all steam or hot water boilers have been inspected and approved during the current registration period in accordance with the requirements of the New York State Department of Labor. For all other fuel burning heating systems and equipment and boilers not subject to the New York State Department of Labor requirements, documentation of service by a heating contractor performed within the 12 months preceding the date of the application for renewal; and | |||
2020-05-07 | Violation | 414.13(b)(3) | Not Corrected |
Brief Description: School-age child care programs must review and evaluate the backgrounds of all applicants for staff and volunteer positions. All applicants whose backgrounds must be reviewed must be required to provide the following: a sworn statement by the applicant indicating whether, to the best of the applicant's knowledge, such applicant has ever been convicted of a misdemeanor or felony in New York State or any other jurisdiction and fingerprint images as required to comply with the requirements of 413.4 of this Title; | |||
2020-05-07 | Violation | 414.2(e) | Corrected |
Brief Description: Renewal. Applicants for renewal of a registration must submit to the Office at least 60 days in advance of the expiration date of the registration the following: | |||
2020-05-07 | Violation | 414.2(e)(5) | Corrected |
Brief Description: Applicants for renewal of a registration must submit to the Office at least 60 days in advance of the expiration date of the registration the following: documentation showing compliance with the training requirements of section 414.14 of this Part; | |||
2020-05-07 | Violation | 414.2(e)(11) | Corrected |
Brief Description: Applicants for renewal of a registration must submit to the Office at least 60 days in advance of the expiration date of the registration the following: documentation from an inspector for the New York State Department of Labor or an insurance company licensed to write boiler insurance in New York State showing that all steam or hot water boilers have been inspected and approved during the current registration period in accordance with the requirements of the New York State Department of Labor. For all other fuel burning heating systems and equipment and boilers not subject to the New York State Department of Labor requirements, documentation of service by a heating contractor performed within the 12 months preceding the date of the application for renewal; and | |||
2020-05-07 | Violation | 414.13(b)(3) | Corrected |
Brief Description: School-age child care programs must review and evaluate the backgrounds of all applicants for staff and volunteer positions. All applicants whose backgrounds must be reviewed must be required to provide the following: a sworn statement by the applicant indicating whether, to the best of the applicant's knowledge, such applicant has ever been convicted of a misdemeanor or felony in New York State or any other jurisdiction and fingerprint images as required to comply with the requirements of 413.4 of this Title; | |||
2020-01-08 | Violation | 414.13(b)(2) | Corrected |
Brief Description: School-age child care programs must review and evaluate the backgrounds of all applicants for staff and volunteer positions. All applicants whose backgrounds must be reviewed must be required to provide the following: the names, addresses and day time telephone numbers of at least two acceptable references, other than relatives, at least one of whom can verify employment history, work record and qualifications, and at least one of whom can attest to the applicant's character, habits and personal qualifications to be a school-age child care program staff member; | |||
2020-01-08 | Violation | 414.13(b)(2) | Corrected |
Brief Description: School-age child care programs must review and evaluate the backgrounds of all applicants for staff and volunteer positions. All applicants whose backgrounds must be reviewed must be required to provide the following: the names, addresses and day time telephone numbers of at least two acceptable references, other than relatives, at least one of whom can verify employment history, work record and qualifications, and at least one of whom can attest to the applicant's character, habits and personal qualifications to be a school-age child care program staff member; | |||
2019-07-05 | Violation | 414.13(d)(1) | Corrected |
Brief Description: Each school-age child care program must be staffed to perform administrative/fiscal management functions and, during all hours of operation, program supervision functions, including developing, directing and supervising the daily activity programs for children. These functions may be performed by one individual or may be shared in any combination between two or more individuals. | |||
2019-07-05 | Violation | 414.15(a)(1)(ii) | Corrected |
Brief Description: Each school age child care program must operate in compliance with the regulations of the Office and all other applicable laws and regulations. | |||
2019-05-24 | Violation | 414.14(n) | Corrected |
Brief Description: Every director, teacher, and volunteer with the potential for regular and substantial contact with children in care must complete Office-approved training that complies with the federal minimum health and safety pre-service or three-month orientation period training requirements. |
If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.
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