“Building A Strong Foundation For Our Future Leaders” Our mission at the Believe and Achieve Learning Center (BALC) is to create a safe, comfortable, and home-like environment for children to learn, play, and develop. We recognize the importance of education. Each child is encouraged to uncover their innate talent and abilities by introducing them to dramatic, cognitive, and social play. We infuse technology and learning through an array of activities inclusive of phonics, mathematics, art, and science. We also monitor child play on our computers as well as assist with their homework. We are invested in the success of each child, from the moment they enter our center, until the day they leave, we build a strong foundation for our future leaders.
At BALC, we understand your hectic work schedule, and obligations. We are here to make your life easier by taking care of your most precious priority. Need a couple’s night out, have a date, or special event to attend? Can’t find a babysitter or family member to watch your child? We offer Extended, Weekend, and 24 hour care. For more information please take a peek at our website!
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