All About Kids At Wards Corner - Loveland OH Licensed Child Care Center

(513) 583-8900
4 Reviews

About the Provider


All About Kids at Wards Corner goes beyond just being a childcare facility, we are a Learning Center. We strive to engage and challenge children of all ages throughout the day with individual and teacher facilitated activities. All About Kids at Wards Corner is committed to partnering with parents in the best interest of each and every child. Our number one goal is to provide each child with the tools they will need to advance in education and to be prepared for the ever changing world around them. Our Learning Center offers families a nurturing environment combined with caring and well educated teachers that work with families to build a solid foundation for their children.

Additional Information:

Provider first licensed on 09/22/2008.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: 200060
  • Capacity: 189
  • Age Range: Infant, Younger Toddler, Older Toddler, Pre-Schooler, School Age
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
  • Type of Care: Full Time Center
  • Initial License Issue Date: 2010-08-06
  • Current License Issue Date: 2010-12-22
  • Current License Expiration Date: 9999-12-31
  • District Office: Ohio Dept of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) - Division of Child Care
  • District Office Phone: (877)302-2347 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Status Corrective Action Status Updated

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


HappyMommyVibes 2023-07-31 13:51:17
I have used this provider for more than 6 months

Speaking for myself and my hubby too, All About Kids at Wards Corner is an excellent Daycare. My family of 6 is moving out of state and while I was searching for a Center where we are moving I found this site and the reviews too. :( OMG. WHOMEVER is saying such mean things must be a real peach! I have never had an issue with the staff here. From my years of experience with them they have always been kind and loving. The staff have always gone out of their way to make both me and my kids feel safe and comfortable while at daycare. These people saved my babies during the pandemic, they offered comfort and solace in a world where there was none. Getting my kids back to the daycare routine and structure they offer was and has always been my saving grace, OUR saving grace really. Especially on Mondays! lol To blanket the building and say they are rude and rough is ridiculous to say the least. I've had no issues here other than simple miscommunications on things that happen like misplacing clothing. (Which they did find I will add.) I have always felt like my kids are in their home away from home when they are at AAK. Like any "home" it is lived in as they have well over 100 children attending a day, BUT it is certainly not dirty. They are always cleaning and I have seen the staff on many, many occasions sanitizing the toys, tables, and the toilets etc. To act as though they are intentionally leaving poo in the toilet is silly, I'm guessing you didn't bother to aide them or the 20+ kids in the class and flush it? Accidents and missed flushes can occur! Whether they happen at daycare or at home, shaming the staff for an easy mistake-shame on you. I just wanted to be sure and post here to let other Moms know that YOU WILL BE HAPPY HERE. The camera speaks for itself, I've never seen anything worrisome-and I do watch it. Don't listen to this nonsense here on the internet, follow your instinct and visit for yourself! I have had my kids here at All About Kids for 8 plus years now, my husband and I postponed our moving so our kids could continue attending here and my youngest could complete their preschool program before Kindergarten. The Director and her staff have always made me us feel welcome and as if we are family, in over 7 years we haven't regretted it for a minute. Give them a call, you will be happy you did!

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Concerned Parent 2022-12-11 12:40:17
I have used this provider for more than 6 months

Please, do NOT send your kids here. Dirty, bathrooms always smell and have, um, “leftovers” in the toilet. A lot of the staff are just downright rude. I’ve observed staff and children both get yelled at on camera, as well as children being pulled by their arms, shoved into seats, and slammed onto cots. If you love your child, DO NOT send them here! They will get abused and probably sick because of how nasty the center is. Only plus side to this center is that you can watch the cameras, however some of the things I’ve seen on them make me wish you couldn’t. There are much better centers out there, stay FAR away from this one

21 out of 42 think this review is helpful
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Sherry S. 2020-03-17 13:28:23
I have used this provider for more than 6 months

This is an amazing childcare facility! The staff and administration go above and beyond for my kids and I have seen them do the same for other children in their care as well. I am so relieved to have found this place for my 3 boys, it provides a peace of mind that I didn't experience at the last place my kids attended. The building is very colorful, inviting and CLEAN! I toured 3 other daycare centers and they all had a dirty odor and had an overall unkempt appearance. Here, I see the staff cleaning and sanitizing it's evident in the appearance and lack of odor. I have had no issues with the cleanliness whatsoever as mentioned in the previous review and I did check the children's bathrooms on my tour because of the review listed here. I have accompanied my little guys many times in the past 2 years at drop off & pick up to use the bathroom (which are child size-so cute and perfect for potty training) and have never smelled or seen any issues. The fact that they provide breakfast and lunch is a blessing for me as a working parent. The meals are kid friendly and things that they want to eat. They do provide me with a menu so I can supplement the meals if I choose to, my kids do eat what is served so I am happy. The fact that they have a camera for PARENTS TO SEE what is happening while at daycare speaks volumes and proof as the high standard of care they provide for my kiddos! I watched the camera everyday at first but found that as time passed my comfort level grew due to what I was seeing when I logged in. Now I only jump on to see what they are doing when I miss them or they have a special event going on. I feel like I should mention their curriculum too. My oldest attended began attending at age 3.5, he had a 1/2 year in preschool and another year in Prekindergarten. Last year I was told at his K assessment that he was academically ahead of what they see typically. Kudos to Kelly and her team for taking the curriculum seriously. I have no doubt whatsoever that the children that attend here are well educated. It is evident in the things that my boys know that I did not teach them at home. The staff here really do care, you can see it. I would recommend this daycare to anyone that is looking for a safe, nurturing, and clean environment. It has made a huge change in my career- now I can focus on my job, because I know Kelly and her team are taking care of my boys.

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Jell 2017-04-24 17:23:05
I have used this provider for more than 6 months

This is a very poor daycare. The teachers are overworked and under paid. Their punishmemt for a three year old for supposedly "tripping a friend" was have him sit by himself from 11am to 3pm, when his parent came and picked up the child. He ate lumch by himself, but was able ti sleep on his cot with the others. It is a very dirty daycare. Look at and smell the classroom bathrooms. Disgusting! They are disgusting. Some of the teachers there are just downright rude. Others are amazing and I was sad to have my children leave. Way to expensive, their breakfast is very unhealthy (sweet rools or cereal), and they have very small lunch portions, especially for the older kids. Definitely wpuld not recommemd this daycare...ever.

46 out of 97 think this review is helpful
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