Listed Home Day Care with quality scheduled structured environment. I sincerely have a heart for children and hope their days with me will be filled with fun, comfort, security and safety! Looking forward to hearing from you! Thank you and have a great day! :-)
A+ Day Care M-F 6 am-6 pm Infants Toddlers & After School Located near VA/TempleCollege/BaylorScott&White •Low affordable rates, daily, weekly, monthly •Homemade nutritious meals & snacks •Scheduled structured curriculum & activities daily •Background ck, referrals & recommendations •CPR, AED & First Aid Certified, Infants, Toddlers, Adults •Mom of two & day care provider since 2013 Please call/text Jacquelyn Ward at (254)813-6624 or (254)773-0114 ext.237
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