Redeemer Lutheran Childrens Center - Beaumont TX Licensed Center - Child Care Program

4330 CROW RD , Beaumont TX 77706
(409) 892-2518
5 Reviews

About the Provider

Description: Redeemer Lutheran Children’s Center is a Christian Childcare Facility licensed by the State of Texas. We care for children ages 18 months-PreK. We offer after-school and summer care for elementary aged children, as well. We offer an accelerated curriculum, two teachers in each classroom, state-of-the-art security systems, and healthy meals served daily. We teach children about the love of Jesus, and worship together twice weekly.

Additional Information: Initial License Date: 3/12/1991.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: 401833
  • Capacity: 302
  • Age Range: Infant, Toddler, Pre-Kindergarten, School
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
  • Type of Care: Child Care Program
  • Initial License Issue Date: 1991-03-12

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Inspections Assessments Self Reported Incidents Reports
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If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


Emily 2022-06-11 23:48:26

So, I was a previous employee I was treated very poorly and discriminated against by the assistant director. Her name is Amy and she had the worst attitude and I tried to address it with Chelsea the director of the whole place, I talked with her many times and nothing was done. All she did was tell me there was nothing she could do when she could. She didn’t care about how I was being disrespected and the situation she just brushed it under the rug. She played dumb when I told her I needed to leave one day and told me to quit instead of solving this problem that has been going on. My ex coworkers also had complained about her and nothing was done. I wouldn’t recommend this awful place. They don’t care about the children or their employees. I did go here for preschool and couldn’t believe they would treat me like they did. The kids told me she treated them bad too and complained about her as well. Just wanted to let parents know. The management is terrible. Also Chelsea the director lied about the pay on Indeed and about many things. They also played favorites and that was an issue as well. Hope this helps!

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paula griffin 2019-05-03 17:58:51

Horrible staff who don’t care about kids, so much favoritisms at this daycare, director and mrs . caroline are rude , everyone dresses how they want Bad Daycare ????????‍??

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Loyal Employees 2016-09-28 00:09:20
I am an employee

I have worked in childcare for many years and this is the best facility around . The staff love the children and families . It is awesome to be able to praise and worship every week. Management is fair but strict as it should be. That is what keeps it high quality.

71 out of 143 think this review is helpful
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Ms. F 2016-06-28 21:43:30
I have used this provider for more than 6 months

I have had a horrible  experience with this facility. My child managed to get off the premises at 2 yes old. And another 2 yr old in his class. There is a lack of supervision and incompetence 

69 out of 143 think this review is helpful
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Sadie 2016-01-20 01:28:11
I have used this provider for more than 6 months

Outstanding with kids! Have a great curriculum and wonderful teachers.

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