Child Care Centers in ZIP code 97639

Unfortunately, we couldn’t find any child care centers in ZIP Code 97639.

That doesn’t have to mean you’re out of luck, though. We’ve gone ahead and put a list of 1 preschools and child development centers in nearby ZIP Codes below. Maybe one of those will do the trick.

If you need assistance in choosing among the childcare centers, preschools or daycare, please read our article on choosing a quality child care provider.

Head Start Bonanza

Head Start Bonanza

Bonanza, OR | (541) 545-3218 | 17 miles away

Klamath Family Head Start: A Family Development Program Serving Preschoolers To serve all eligible Klamath County children and families in order to contribute to a healthy, diverse and cooperative community. VISION Klamath Family Head Start will provide a safe, nurturing and supportive environment ...

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Quick Links

Oregon Child Care Licensing Agency

Oregon Employment Department
Child Care Division
875 Union Street NE
Salem, OR 97311
Phone: 503-947-1400
Toll Free: 800-556-6616
Web Site: .shtml