With more than 1,700 Virginia home daycare providers, family childcare options in Virginia are extensive. We understand that your family’s personal needs and budgets are crucial when selecting the right home childcare, and we’ve made the task easier by compiling information about Virginia home daycare options into a single site and arranging them by county and then alphabetically by facility. To search for providers, make sure to use the Quick Search box to help you locate childcare providers by city or zip code.
If you're looking for a child care center in Virginia, click on Virginia Childcare Centers.
Weeks offers a loving, safe and educational environment for children to grow, learn and play. we strive to assist you child in deveoping important values such as: good manners, caring, sharing patience, responsibility, as well as comunication and teamwork.
Hello, my name is Latasha and I have a small in-home Family Childcare in Chantilly, Va. I have over 8 years’ experience loving and caring while teaching shapes, numbers, and colors while preparing children for kindergarten. Our highest priority is infant and child safety and security. Our current maximum capacity is 4 but will be expanding to 12 soon. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. We do not participate in a subsidized childcare program. We have great reviews and references.
Ms. Carrie's Learning Pot where "great minds think different" allow children to learn at their own pace. Safe, Bright, colorful, and inviting place for your child to visit a grow as an individual.
Researching the licensing guidelines in your state and learning state regulations as they apply to home daycare businesses aren't the only preparation you'll need before starting an in-home daycare. Y...
CONSIDER THE BENEFITS Are you looking for a simple, inexpensive, creative, and educationally rich activity for young children? Sensory bins help children develop a wide variety of important...