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Book Report Ideas for Primary Age Homeschoolers

Encourage Reading Comprehension with Art and Writing Projects

After homeschoolers read a book, there are many ways that they can showcase what they’ve learned from the book without writing a traditional book report.

Depending on whether homeschoolers are making a presentation or project that will be seen by their family or by fellow homeschoolers in a formal or informal class, the following ideas can prompt ideas for ways children can explore their understanding of a book that they’ve read.

The Shocking Reasons Why More Mothers Are Switching to Cloth

The average American family creates about 18 pounds of trash each day, adding up to an impressive 6,570 pounds in just one year. From plastic to food and more, there’s no question that a change needs to be made for the sake of the environment. One innovative yet simple way that many parents choose to reduce waste within their household is by implementing the use of cloth in the place of disposables – a solution that’s worth considering for a myriad of different reasons.

3 Amazing Benefits Of Raising A Family In The Countryside

More families are heading for the countryside this year. In the initial days of the pandemic, more Americans swapped their city apartments and homes for the lush, rolling countryside as they sought more space and outdoor space. Now, it turns out that the impulse has turned into a sustained trend for families across America. More families are moving to be close to rural locations, driven by the flexibility of remote working, the need for more space, or financial reasons. However, moving to the countryside does more than reducing the financial burden of housing on your wallet. In many cases, it could be a positive move for a child. Raising a family in the countryside can provide you and your family with financial security, more bonding opportunities, and even help your child overcome common childhood problems.

5 Things You Can Do To Prevent Child Abuse

Child abuse is when a child is deliberately harmed or mistreated by an adult or another child. When people think of child abuse, they only see the physical aspect of it. However, child abuse is beyond physical maltreatment; it can be emotional in the form of verbal abuse, neglect, rejection, educational neglect. Each abuse in this category is as important as the next, and no child should be made to go through these.

If you have found yourself thinking about the dangers of child abuse and how to prevent these things, then this is for you. Child abuse is a menace to society and the growth of every child. Collectively, we can make an effort to prevent these things from happening.

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Ingenious Ways to Help Your Toddler Learn to Write

Toddlers are not ready to learn to write through formal instruction. Yet, they can gain foundational skills for writing that will serve them as they enter the school years. Experts in motor and cognitive development (pediatric occupational therapists) know that many activities support writing readiness. Rather than expecting your toddler to respond to direct writing instruction, meet them at their level with an environment that encourages development towards writing.

5 Ways to Make Writing Practice Interactive for Children

Does your child hate writing? Well, you’re not alone. Writing is an integral part of education and communication. Unfortunately, most children seem to be “allergic” to this activity and will show their aversion in many ways. So how do you scale through this challenge and get your children to enjoy writing sessions without them screaming blue murder?

Well, there are ways to make writing sessions more interactive and engaging for kids. If you’ve been wondering how to make writing fun, this article will show you the ropes and also outline some fun writing activities you could try out with your kid.

Rainy Day? Here’s How You Can Keep The Kids Entertained At Home (And Screen Time At A Minimum)

Kids and teens aged eight to eighteen spend over seven hours a day looking at screens. However, because the American Heart Association recommends that parents limit screen time for their kids to a maximum of just two hours a day, keeping your children entertained can seem nearly impossible without electronics, especially on a rainy day at home. From an old fashioned blanket fort to getting creative with art, here are just a few ideas to conquer rainy-day boredom.

Supporting Yourself And Your Child During The First Days Of Moving To The US

Today, immigrants account for 13.7 percent of the US population – three times the amount they did in 1970. With over 40 million immigrants living in the country with their families, the US now holds one fifth of the world’s migrants. Every year, millions of people decide to move to the US in search of a better life and opportunities – and often with their children in tow. Over 1 million people migrate to the US annually, many of them with dependents, as they all attempt to resettle and adjust to life in the US. Therefore, children who are migrants are now a significant proportion of the education system, and like their parents, often face roadblocks in adjusting to life in their new home. Whether it is accessing advice on employment opportunities and language skills courses, or finding a daycare center for your child before returning to work, here are a few simple ways you can ease the transition when moving to the US with children in tow.

Preparing Your Child for the World of Tomorrow… Today

Preparing your child to succeed in an uncertain world is something that parents have been doing since parenting first began, however, it might be true that in 2021 many parents are going back to the drawing board in finding ways to get children ready for the real world.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that unemployment rates are highest for individuals who lack a high school diploma, so many parents spend much of their time worried about education while other crucial qualities are ignored.

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How to Fix Learning Fatigue

If you’re experiencing challenges with your child or children and their learning patterns at home, you’re not alone. In 2020, millions of children across the world took to home learning due to a worldwide pandemic.

Understandably, parents and children both discovered the pros and cons of remote learning. Although at-home learning isn’t any sort of new idea, there are a host of challenges that families face while trying to obtain the very best possible education available.