The Shocking Reasons Why More Mothers Are Switching to Cloth

The average American family creates about 18 pounds of trash each day, adding up to an impressive 6,570 pounds in just one year. From plastic to food and more, there’s no question that a change needs to be made for the sake of the environment. One innovative yet simple way that many parents choose to reduce waste within their household is by implementing the use of cloth in the place of disposables – a solution that’s worth considering for a myriad of different reasons.

The need for reusable diapers

Unsurprisingly, reusable diapers take up to a whopping 500 years to decompose. And, with an estimated 20 billion disposable diapers added to landfills throughout the country each year, around 3.5 million tons of waste is created. While this highlights the major impact this has on the environment, making the switch to reusable diapers is a great start that many parents choose when looking to make their daily routines more eco-friendly. Not only are they easy to use and clean, but they’re made from natural materials, use 3.5 times less energy, 8 times less non-renewable materials, and 90 times less renewable resources than disposable alternatives.

How wipes can be harmful

Although wipes can be easily flushed down the toilet, they shouldn’t be due to the damage that they can cause to sewer systems. In South Carolina, for instance, a massive 12 foot long clog of disposable wipes cost Charleston Water more than a whopping $140,000 in damage and cleanup costs. This is because wipes tend to accumulate grease, oil, hair, and other waste when flushed, and can’t break down. Thankfully, however, wipes are another major aspect that can be switched to a reusable cloth alternative, too, and can be used for a number of things – from cleaning up kitchen spills to diaper changes and more.

More control with cloth

Another reason why many mothers and parents out there are switching to cloth alternatives is due to the fact that they have more control with them. The longevity of cloth products is yet another added bonus, as they can oftentimes last for months or longer despite constant use. And, when the time comes to wash them, parents also have control in regards to detergents and fragrances – elements that they can control depending on their preferences or their baby’s sensitivities.

Due to the damage that disposable products pose on the environment, parents who are looking to make a positive change should look no further than cloth alternatives. Being easy to clean, durable, and reusable, they’re not only good for the environment, but cost effective, too.

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