Description: Beyond providing basic care, Puddle Jumpers Daycare strives to build a foundation for success in life. Puddle Jumpers Daycare provides an environment where children may challenge their abilities, test their limits, develop independence, and master their emotions. The Provider teaches: Social Skills- manners, waiting, self-advocacy, taking turns, contributing to the group Emotional Skills- identifying, naming, healthy expression, self regulation, responsibility for actions Self Care- dressing, hygiene, feeding, care of belongings, care of environment Critical Thinking- exploration of how things work, why, formulating solutions, academic concepts Our pace is slow within a whirlwind of children’s activity! Time and patience allows the child to explore, discover, and learn. At Puddle Jumpers Daycare childhood is about experiencing the journey! Hello, my name is Cathleen Kroeger! I grew up in a bitty town in northern Indiana. Seriously, google still can't give directions to my town of 200! My parents taught me to value family, loyalty, and hard work. College brought me to Kansas and I have resided in Ellis for the past ten years. During college, I was head of a preschool gymnastics program. I have spent thousands of hours coaching gymnastics and soccer for children preschool through junior high. Upon college graduation, I worked at KVC Behavioral Healthcare in Hays. Children in hospital and residential treatment struggled with severe behavior issues, developmental disorders, anxiety, depression, etc. I was blessed to be a part of the healing journey of hundreds of children over the course of 3 years. From 2013 through 2018, I was the Children's Librarian at Hays Public Library. I provided activities and story times for infants through 11 year olds. I managed a collection of thousands of items and supervised up to eleven staff at once. I am the mother of three adventurous, persistent, and incredible little humans! I attend the Catholic Church. I like to drive my motorcycle, spend time outdoors, and eat popsicles.
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