Lil'blessing Child Care & Learning Center - Hamilton MS Center based Child Care Facility

Provider Status: License Not Renewed.

40498 OLD HIGHWAY 45 S , HAMILTON MS 39746
(662) 343-xxxx
51 Reviews

About the Provider

Description: LIL'BLESSING CHILD CARE & LEARNING CENTER is a Center based Child Care Facility in HAMILTON MS, with a maximum capacity of 88 children. This child care center helps with children in the age range of Infant Care, 1 yr old, 2 yr old, 3 yr old, 4 yr old, 5-9 yr old. The provider does not participate in a subsidized child care program.

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: 48CDPFWA-3817
  • Capacity: 88
  • Age Range: Infant Care, 1 yr old, 2 yr old, 3 yr old, 4 yr old, 5-9 yr old
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
  • Type of Care: Special Needs, Full Day, School Age After School

Location Map


Concerned Parent 2022-11-26 22:41:40
I have toured this provider's facility, but have not used its services

THESE PLACES are why I only trust a few people with my child. PURE EVIL!!! I hope the highest amount of justice is brought on and They need to make all those woman pay those families a hefty compensation to cover therapy and anything those BABIES need! I bet the owner is just as dumb as the people hired to care for these innocent little humans!! CLOSE this place! The place is tainted with evil energy and the owner should have known how to check on her employees. Parents. I Beg you. try to do all you can to check in on your kids early in day cares. don’t let them know your stopping in. catch them when they don’t know you’re going to be there. I have a friend who did that and found out her son was being strapped in a car seat over an hour before she was to normally arrive. NO OnE will love and care for your babies as much as you yourself. Listen to the kids! watch how they are around adults. I hope those women never work again, and if they have kids, those kids are put in safer homes. 

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Sara 2022-10-30 17:05:13
I have used this provider for less than 6 months

I have no words that can describe to anyone how horrible this place is! It is hell on earth and the employees are sent from Satan and are treating the innocent children in satanic ways. I can only say this: do not even consider taking your kid to this place!

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Brittany 2022-10-25 23:56:41

I would be tempted to LITERALLY kill someone if I ever found out my TINY LITTLE FUCKIN BABY was experiencing that sort of trauma and fear and I had no idea about and couldn’t be there to protect her. I would be devastated and am devastated for the parents, to find out the torment your baby experienced and you were not able to be there to comfort them and protect them.
These poor fuckin babies man. They are not just numbers for your paycheck! These are tiny little human beings. With real feelings. And even if they’ve been there a while, every day it’s probably hard for them to leave the safety and comfort of their mommies and daddies. Probably different workers frequently. New people these babies have to adjust to. They’re already fuckin scared and nervous and can’t wait to see their parents at the end of the day.
And then for someone to TORMENT them when they are away from the comfort of parents and are trapped??!! They have no one to turn to for help and to tell them it’s okay??!!
She’s going beyond playing a poorly thought out joke. There is something dangerously wrong with that woman. To see the insane fear and trembling In those tiny faces and you KEEP GOING??!!!
All of the women in that video, especially the one in mask, are LITERALLY mentally, emotionally and psychologically torturing those babies.
There’s not a single way that a normal person could perceive any of that as funny or appropriate.
A poorly thought out joke by a normal human being would have been putting on the mask and trying to scare the kids, then immediately feeling regret and stopping as soon as you see you scared them TOO MUCH.
She is an inch away from their face screaming like a lunatic at the top of her lungs!!!
What… theeee… fuck is wrong with her???????
And the people recording and watching. Assisting someone in torturing little babies?!! And then telling the other room of babies it’s gonna be their turn. They are TERRIFIED! Those babies have no idea if this woman is about to start murdering them or not. They are scared for their life!!!
And to the OWNER… I don’t care if you weren’t involved or aware. What the fuck is your hiring process??!!!! And not once in your statements did you express truly how awful it is. Just that you don’t “condone” it. As if they just raised their voice a little bit. And all you have to offer is, “they’ve been fired.. it’s been handled.” Oh… woopty-fuckin-do, you fired them. People get fired all the time. Who cares. What needed to be heard was how much you care for those children. How much it hurt you personally to find out they were being tormented within your establishment. And how, if the parents still give you a chance, you are going to hold and hug onto those babies and cry your heart out to them with apologies and telling them that everything is okay.
And these poor stupid parents standing up for you and still sending their kids.
They’ve convinced themselves that it’s “not so bad,” because they have no other options in your country bumpkin-bum fuck town.
I would quit my job and live in a homeless shelter if I had to, to pull my babies out of there. At least then my kids would still be happy because no matter where we are they have me to hold them and make them feel safe.
I hate you all and I hope someone knows those women and beats all their asses. I hope the owner sues them for destroying her business.
I hope the parents sue everyone.
I hope those bitches go to jail for psychological torture.
Fuck all of you

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PissedOff 2022-10-23 08:41:09

Some of my first memories were of being mentally and physically abused by a babysitter. Worse, my parents didn't believe me when I said she was mean to me until I accidentally destroyed the TV, spilling a drink on it, and she beat me up. They then came home from work and told her to get out.

I am 46 now, and only recently have come to terms with this. This shaped who and what I was and am. I grew up not trusting anyone, especially adults. Adults I was supposed to trust my life with just hurt and abused me. I emotionally and mentally matured much later in life, so life as a kid in school was rough.

I know not everyone can do this, but if you're in a position to work from home, please do it. If you're a two-parent family, if you can make some sacrifices like cutting cable, or if you can afford to have one parent stay home with the babies, please do it. There's no way these strangers are going to love your children as much as you do.

No judgments on any families who can't make this happen, but if you can do it, please do. I've been a single parent, a married parent, and we somehow made it with no daycare, and no help from family.

This really is a matter of life and death. These innocent children's spiritual, emotional, and mental well being is at stake.

To the subhumans running this daycare, you'll get yours. Sick, satanic predators. Have fun now, but your time is short.

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Mitchell Bartz 2022-10-22 11:39:12
I have toured this provider's facility, but have not used its services

Were any of those my children I would arrive at your facility and administer one helluva beatdown to those WITCHES abusing children. Absolutely despicable, my blood is boiling. May you be shut down and prevented from interacting with children ever f--king again. SHAME.

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None 2022-10-21 23:37:19

This place should be shut down. What an absolute disgrace for a daycare. The owner clearly hired several pieces of shit based on recent video. I hope this business and the worthless excuses for humans who traumatized those children will face lawsuits. Absolutely abhorrent

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Emmanuel Aizprua 2022-10-20 12:42:50

**Your kids can be in danger**
The controversial video shows how people enjoy hurting kids and sharing it with others on the Internet. CSAM is a terrible reality where people share videos of kids abuse for the "enjoyment" of others. Be watchful with your kids: where they are, talk to them, inspect those around them. Don't be so trusty whether they are with caregivers, relatives, peers, etc.

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Blue Madonna 2022-10-19 14:51:38

As a mother, words can not expresss my fury - that your school would allow such wickedness and harm to befall innocent children. HOW DARE YOU! HOW DARE YOUR EVIL STAFF! - People are paying you to abuse and devistate their children!!! I am sure that the investigation is pending but regardless, I am personally filing a civil rights & criminal abuse of minor children complaint with the Attorney Generals office in Mississippi. I personally demand that everyone in that classroom be FIRED and criminally prosecuted by you and the state. Those people deserve jail time for that and your insurance owes every single one of those children and their familys compensation for this criminal child abuse. - The fact that whomever hired them had 0 discression with regard to the obvious mental health aka - demonic possession and placed children in thier care is unforgivable. I am outraged and I will personally support the immidiate closing of this wicked hell hole.

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Robert Hester 2022-10-18 18:22:31

I cannot believe a daycare would engage in such heinous acts of evil. The owners of this daycare and the employees who tormented those children should all be charge with domestic terrorism and locked away for life. If you don't know what I'm talking about, google "lil blessings daycare" and hit "news."

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God'sWarrior 2022-10-14 04:14:02

After viewing the video of these children being petrified out of their minds... I feel "I" have now been traumatized and should be allowed to sue these teachers for mental abuse!
The DAY HAS COME that we will no longer stand idly by when evil attacks our children.
Be ready, We are awake!
God Bless and protect God's children.

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Franken 2022-10-12 18:19:21

Read that in the German media right now, what incredibly sick people work for you. I hope these monsters go to jail and experience hell there. how can you destroy the souls of children so cruelly. I'm so mad at these sick fat women. close the facility! it's a bad place

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John 2022-10-12 10:58:54

I hope your daycare center is immediately shut down. Shame on you for hiring such lowlife scumbags. Firing is not enough. I hope charges are pressed and your facility closes.

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Sherryl in Texas 2022-10-11 22:49:42

I saw this video online and I hope your business gets completely shut down! And ANY PARENT WHO KEEPS YOUR KID THERE IS AN IDIOT.

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Gigi R 2022-10-11 17:42:34

I’m horrified by the actions of the teacher in the Halloween video. I’m happy to see they were fired but much to late. Those children are damaged for life. They may need counseling by precessional after this. I hope the school is willing to pay for that. These families left their most precious possession with your school and teachers. They trusted you to keep their children safe from harm of any kind. Which was not done at all! They have been Traumatized by the actions of your employee. I’m only assuming they did not have ECE certificates or a 2 year degree. Let alone a teaching degree. I taught preschool and Pre-K for almost 30 years. I’m a school system with educated teachers. I understand your budget might not enable you to afford the salary of those teachers. Although You can insure you hire people with a true love for children and teaching them with love and respect. Not hire those who want free babysitting for their kids or teenagers. It was up to You the owner to insure those precious children’s safety. You failed miserably. Firing them is never going to be enough. These children will have nightmares for months if not years. You have taken their emotion growth and trust of others away from them. You have stolen their innocence You have left their families to the task of trying to fix the damage your workers have done. You have cost these families many sleepless nights to come, From the fear their children now have. You will cost some parents their jobs that now can not go to work because their children are to afraid to go back to school or be around strangers. You have robbed them of the simple enjoyment of Halloween and dressing up. They will not trust people again thanks to your hiring of that person. I don’t wish you harm but I do wish you sleepless nights like those precious children will I have and their parents. I wish you nightmares that make you scream in the middle of the night. I wish you all the harm your decision to hire that person has caused those amazing angels. Time will only tell all the damage you have done by hiring that person. Please investigate the people helping you raise your children and teach them. They will spend a huge amount of time with your children and help shape and mold them. Make sure they have the same morals and values as you. My heart truly breaks for these children and their families. I only hope they get the help They will need in the future and go on to enjoy their childhood to the fullest.

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Tk Baumler 2022-10-11 15:29:53

The way that day care worker screamed at that child to be good with a scary mask on should be getting it for child neglect/abuse and I hope the parents see the full video and sue the H out of you guys.

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chris norton 2022-10-11 15:25:22

I have never been so heart broken and fucking enraged about ANYTHING like I witnessed in the video at your school and that fat fucking cunt traumatizing those children. I have a hard time believing that none of the parents have come forward and killed each and every one of you for that disgusting and evil performance. No jury would ever convict them. If that was my child or grandchild, I would find a way to torture you until you begged me to kill you, which of course I would not, but I would just continue, laughing my ass off as I did it.

The owner and the fat pig that did that should be looking over their shoulder with the same fear that they put into this children for the rest of their lives, if they survive prison. People in prison would love to get their hands on you and those pieces of shit YOU vetted and hired. You hired them, your resonsibility!!! I hope you are financially ruined by civil suits and very surprised that no one has burned your little fucking kingdom down. I am patiently waiting.

My only hope is that the children get through this with some help and you mother fuckers rot in hell when the time comes. God help you because what goes around, will eventually come around. Rot you evil mother fuckers!!!!

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Seek justice 2022-10-11 02:39:16

Disgusting. The full names of the ones involved need to be made public, especially the monster under the mask. I have younger siblings, one of which is still in daycare, and worked at a facility at the same age as "CeeCee".
I have troubles with my mind but keep them personal. I would never commit such a sick abuse of power for any reason, and I doubt this was for internet fame, or (laughably) for the proclaimed "discipline".
This is a criminally ill person who is getting off under that mask to traumatizing these children. She needs every inch of the book thrown at her. Acts like this are unique and horrifying, this type of person is beyond reparation. She needs to be locked up in solitary confinement for life. There is no excuse. No good person can justify this. GET HER BEHIND BARS, GET HER NAME OUT THERE. "CeeCee" is hiding behind a spineless apology and fake alias. We need her name so she can be held accountable, and people will remember. She does not deserve sympathy. She misuses "empathy" in her apology, as that implies sympathy on the basis that we can relate. The only freaks that could relate to this and sympathize are the ones who should eat her alive when she is tossed to the can.
Look for her name and share it. She needs to be remembered for what she has committed. Sick.

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Steer Clear 2022-10-11 00:50:12

I would trust another child to watch me kid more than the people that they allow to work here. The owner of this “learning center” has no business being involved in child care in any regard, nor do any of the employees. Go work at a job with adults and see where the screaming and scaring gets you.

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Kay Lo 2022-10-10 16:54:16

This company should be ashamed of themselves! Seriously close the entire daycare & donate your revenue towards giving back to those children. No child should have to endure psychological stress and/or trauma from sick ill-minded “adults”. You have no idea how scary & harmful that is for a child to endure or how it will affect them in the future! I cannot imagine that the owner of this company would still want to keep this business going and not help those kids and their parents in every way possible after such a truly disgusting incident. Shame on you!! ZERO STARS!!!

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Juli B 2022-10-09 21:07:42

The video exposing the staff traumatizing toddlers is beyond sickening (Sept/Oct 2022). Google it and watch; it is hard to stomach. I cannot imagine the lasting trauma these children will carry with them, but it should not be taken lightly. Four staff were fired over it. Okay, that is a start. But the owner? Is culpable. Why? Because the employee who filmed this act and published it online did so because this and other things have happened before, but when she took her concerns to management, the perpetrators received “a slap on the wrist.” There were known problems and not much of anything was done. And that is on the owner (who claims she was not there when it happened, as if that absolves her of any responsibility….NEGLIGENCE). There needs to be criminal charges against the four who were fired. They have zero business ever being around children, and if they have any of their own, Mississippi Child Protection Services should get involved. And the owner needs to be investigated and at the very least sanctioned. This is beyond disgusting. Those little ones have no power. They must trust those who have been entrusted to teach and protect them. These workers abused that trust and have, imo, assaulted these toddlers. These workers created a threatening environment. They did not care about any potential damage they caused. Evil, disgusting….firing them is not enough. Not even close. I do not have children at this facility, but if I did, I’d be filing formal criminal and civil complaints.

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Concerned 2022-10-09 20:20:05

Anyone pleading ignorance to this torture is a liar. If there are children screaming in terror it was much different than being sad or someone taking a toy. Anyone in the building that heard this, didn’t investigate and put a stop to it immediately and call the cops is just as liable. I pray these children don’t develop schizophrenia, or at the least severe trust issues.

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Kiki 2022-10-09 13:51:29

Disgusting and disturbing. Condones child abuse as punishment. Look up the videos. This place should be shut down.

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Shutitdown 2022-10-09 12:00:01

0 stars. The owner isn't trying to take any responsibility for what happened. You hired these women. This happened a month prior to Halloween. So what was that mask doing un seen / unknown to the owner in a day care facility ? It's understandable some parents don't want it shut down due to its the only place available to them local for child care, but they need to all be punished . Charges of child abuse need to be filed against these women. They better never step foot in another child care facility. Obviously, none of them know anything about displine or child mental health...shut it down

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Cess 2022-10-09 11:20:59

This is horrible, this abuse of innocent little kids, I demand the childcare place be closed and those people be prosecuted by the law and never to be hired in any other place that provides human or animal care. Here in Europe, you will be put in Jail!

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Patricia Broughan 2022-10-08 19:15:44

Wow, what can i say but oh my fucking god, I swear I would do time, no problem, dats a dirty fuck of a team u have in dere I'd do anything to torture those sick, twisted, good for nothing wasters! I hope none of dem have their own children coz dey don't deserve to have something so special in their lives! May u all burn in hell u scumbags!

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KREE 2022-10-08 12:10:57

Lil'blessing Child Care & Learning Center should be closed down forever. They hire people that abuse children. This is not a safe place for your kids. Shame on this place for being so horrible.

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James 2022-10-08 04:36:48

Do not use this day care they will terrorise your children and cause them serious mental illness. They are monsters and should be shut down. Disgusting Child abuse and they should be very very ashamed of them selves.

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Elisha 2022-10-08 04:11:26

I just watched the horrific video of a 'carer' at this centre terrifying little children in a scary Halloween mask whilst other 'carers' watched on and laughed. The centre should be shut down and criminal charges for child abuse. What kind of person does this! Let alone people responsible for the care and wellbeing of little children. I wish I lived closer so I could visit the centre myself. Nothing short of evil!

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Disgusted 2022-10-07 23:24:04
I have used this provider for less than 6 months

Disgusting human beings work here, it's ran by Satanists who get a kick out of terrorizing little helpless kids. They will all rot in hell for eternity

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2020 parent 2022-10-07 22:58:34
I have used this provider for less than 6 months

The people who work here are sick, perverted child abusers. They laugh and joke while they literally terrify toddlers to the point of hysterics. The workers here are disgusting people. Your child will become petrified by this place.

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Warchela 2022-10-07 21:08:25

These people tortured and traumatized toddlers by wearing a scream mask and yelling in the faces of the babies
Video of them doing this multiple times to kids that were “bad” or didn’t clean up after themselves
2 year olds
I hope the D.A. can find a statute to charge them with, this is pure evil.

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Chelsea 2022-10-07 20:56:36

THIS PLACE Should not be allowed to be open! There is a viral video of a woman that works or going out a scary mask on scary kid after kid even though they are screaming their guts out crying in fear, she continues to go around the room and scare the others! Absolutely disgusting and I hope the staff member rots in hell

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Chel 2022-10-07 09:19:20

I just watched a few videos uploaded to Facebook about an employee with a similar to the ‘Scream’ mask on chasing petrified children, getting in the child’s face and screaming - all while these little 1-2 yr olds are crying in fear! Who does this??? To search on Fb, type in the name of this business and TRAUMATIZED ! Hopefully you’ll see what I’m talking about.

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Mike 2022-10-07 01:23:10

I'm not sure how this place exists. Please see how they discipline the little kids here:

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ConcernedCitizen 2022-10-07 01:20:28


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MADC 2022-10-06 23:21:29

Lil'Blessings Day Care in Hamilton, MS should be shut down immediately for child abuse. They are recommended by which has multiple cases of abuse by child care and day care abuse by people that have recommended including sexual abuse of toddlers and young children. They should be closed down and fully investigated

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Tlee 2022-10-06 21:30:21

If your facility hires evil people like this that traumatizes babies then who ever is in charge should be fired on the spot i hope every parent of on of these poor babies sues you out of business. I can’t even fathom how SICK someone has to be to do this to these poor babies

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Caroline 2022-10-06 20:59:29

Parents concerns grow after video shows children being scared at daycare

This child care center should be up on all legal actions of child abuse. Shut down indefinitely. They torture and abuse children!!

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livid 2022-10-06 18:04:56

You are fortunate that I live a long way from Hamilton. I just watched the video of whoever it was you employed terrorizing infants. They'd better hide!

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concerned mom 2022-10-06 14:34:41

Child abusers who enjoy traumatizing babies and children

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Kat Goree 2022-10-06 11:58:12

There is a video of a woman wearing a scary mask, bursting into the classroom and not leaving until all children were screaming and terrified. Then she went on to scare babies in other classrooms.
She needs to have charges brought against her for cruelty and abuse, and be fired.
She is a lucky individual that I am not in the same state. She is a disgrace.

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Mary Hansen 2022-10-06 11:22:21

I would like to bring attention to the owner, and hope that they have reviewed the video of the I'm assuming employee wearing a scary mask that had tiny children crying and shaking at lunch time. What kind of sick people do you hire to be around children??? This is a form of abuse, those babies were terrified and shaking. To think that these parents trust and leave their children with you, and this is how they are treated on video, I can only imagine what would happen when no one is looking.

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Peter Smith 2022-10-06 11:13:02

Saw a video of a woman torturing kids with a halloween mask all the children were screaming crying I actively want to hunt this woman down and gut her you will pay for this .. fkn vile vile demon

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Harley Marie Jones 2022-10-06 11:12:30
I have toured this provider's facility, but have not used its services

Viral videos of them traumatizing children!!!!

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T. Banks 2022-10-06 10:46:07

If I could leave zero stars, I would. Look up the viral video of teachers scaring very young , under 5, with a Scream mask and laughing about it. Obviously, the owner and/or manager has not created a culture conducive to working with small children. This place should lose their license and be shut down. I know this won’t be posted but the owner has to read it. What kind of sick place are you operating?

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John Smith 2022-10-06 10:16:51
I have used this provider for less than 6 months

These people terrorized my baby!! They wore a Scream Halloween mask and screamed in the toddler's faces, and then laughed when my baby and all the others screamed and cried in terror! This place should be shut down! STAY AWAY

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Beck Gyver 2022-10-06 10:15:56

Have you made therapy appointments for these children yet? Or would a lawsuit help you find out what happens to a child’s brain with fear from their protectors.

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Donald 2022-10-06 08:43:16

Want your child tortured?

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Fire Those Employees! 2022-10-06 08:37:03

Have you seen the video of what your employees are doing to the children!? They need to be fired IMMEDIATELY! How could you allow or condone such actions?!? Terminate those people - NOW.

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Dianne 2022-10-06 07:01:36

I just watched a TIKTOK video of one of your staff TERRORIZING the young children in her care by wearing a scary mask, looming over them , touching them creepily and using it to coerce the children to pick up toys. I hope someone contacted CPS on that employee, the person videoing and management. It is CHILD ABUSE!!!

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Connor 2022-10-05 22:24:17

Terrible caretakers who have traumatized children with their gags with the scream masks. Those kids will be scared forever. Shameful.

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Aberdeen Child Development Center Aberdeen, MS | (662) 369-1173 | 8.6 miles away
Ms P's, Inc. Aberdeen, MS | (662) 369-7414 | 8.7 miles away
L And J Nursery Inc Aberdeen, MS | (662) 369-0298 | 8.8 miles away
Calvert's Abc Pre-school & Nursery, Inc. Aberdeen, MS | (662) 369-4110 | 10.5 miles away
Wee Care Amory, MS | (662) 257-2273 | 16.3 miles away
West Amory Head Start Amory, MS | (662) 256-2740 | 17 miles away
Empower Kidz - Amory Amory, MS | (662) 305-5117 | 17 miles away
Little Angels Child Care Amory, MS | (662) 257-1672 | 17 miles away
First United Methodist Early Learning Center 2 Amory, MS | (662) 256-7815 | 17 miles away
First United Methodist Early Learning Ctr. Amory, MS | (662) 256-7815 | 17.1 miles away
Uptown Kids Childcare & Learning Center Amory, MS | (662) 640-7300 | 17.6 miles away
French's Learning & Development Center 2 Amory, MS | (662) 315-7779 | 17.7 miles away
Xtreme Kids Early Learning Center Amory, MS | (662) 315-9805 | 18.4 miles away
Camp Wrenwoode Aberdeen, MS | (662) 256-8681 | 18.6 miles away