Kingdom's Little Ones Academy - Bridgeport CT Child Care Center

(203) 338-0221

About the Provider

Description: Kingdom's Little One's vision is that our program will exceed the standards of the norm and that all of our sons and daughters will become the icon of stability and excellence in our communities. Kingdom's Little Ones Academy provides a safe, nurturing, learning environment for your child. Each child is recognized and respected as a unique individual and home/school partnerships are nurtured.

Additional Information: Education Level(s): Bachelor's Degree, Early Childhood Education, Master's Degree, Associates Degree;

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: DCCC.16356
  • Capacity: 15
  • Age Range: 3 years-12 years
  • Achievement and/or Accreditations NAEYC
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
  • Type of Care: Pre-School, School Age
  • Initial License Issue Date: 2007-02-16
  • District Office: Connecticut Dept. of Public Health - Child Day Care Licensing Program
  • District Office Phone: 1-860-509-7540 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map


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