Kiddie Academy Of East Setauket - East Setauket NY Day Care Center

10 Research Way , East Setauket NY 11733
(631) 941-2100

About the Provider

Description: At Kiddie Academy, we continuously deliver the highest-quality child day care possible. It's something we're passionate about. It is this passion that has given us a leadership position in education-based child care for more than 30 years. And it's what drives us to positively shape the lives of children, families and communities everywhere. When we talk about community, we mean the community of children in our academies. It's also the community of parents who meet and connect with each other. And it's the actual communities where our academies are located - where our families live, work and play. That's why we say Community Begins Here?.

Additional Information: This facility is authorized to administer medications;Initial License Date: 8/12/2008;

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: 356870
  • Capacity: 185
  • Age Range: Total Capacity: 185;Infants: 16;Toddlers: 60;Preschool: 77;School-Age: 32;
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
  • Schools Served: Three Village School District
  • Initial License Issue Date: 2008-08-12
  • Current License Issue Date: 2018-08-12
  • District Office: Long Island Regional Office
  • District Office Phone: (631) 240-2560 (Note: This is not the facility phone number.)

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Date Type Regulations Status
2022-05-11 Violation 418-1.5(a) Corrected
Brief Description: Suitable precautions must be taken to eliminate all conditions in areas accessible to children which pose a safety or health hazard.
2022-04-06 Violation 418-1.8(k)(4)(i) Corrected
Brief Description: for 3-year-old children: there must be one teacher for every seven children;
2022-04-06 Violation 418-1.11(b)(1)(ii) Corrected
Brief Description: Staff and volunteers must each submit a medical statement on forms furnished by the Office or an approved equivalent from a health care provider: before such person has any involvement in child care work.
2022-04-06 Violation 418-1.11(i)(2) Corrected
Brief Description: Staff and volunteers must ensure that children thoroughly wash their hands or assist children with thoroughly washing their hands with soap and running water when they are dirty, after toileting, before and after food handling or eating, after handling pets or other animals, after contact with any bodily secretion or fluid, and after coming in from outdoors.
2022-04-06 Violation 418-1.13(b)(3) Corrected
Brief Description: Child day care centers must review and evaluate the backgrounds of all applicants for staff and volunteer positions. All applicants whose backgrounds must be checked are required to provide the following: a sworn statement by the applicant indicating whether, to the best of the applicant's knowledge, such applicant has ever been convicted of a misdemeanor or felony in New York State or any other jurisdiction and fingerprint images as required to comply with the requirements of 413.4 of this Title;
2022-04-06 Violation 418-1.14(b) Corrected
Brief Description: Each applicant for, or individual in the position of director, teacher, or volunteer must complete Office-approved training that complies with federal minimum health and safety pre-service or three-month orientation period requirements. This training must be obtained pre-service or within three months of starting such position.
2021-09-29 Violation 418-1.5(a) Corrected
Brief Description: Suitable precautions must be taken to eliminate all conditions in areas accessible to children which pose a safety or health hazard.
2021-09-29 Violation 418-1.7(c) Corrected
Brief Description: Each program must provide a sufficient quantity and variety of materials and play equipment appropriate to the ages of the children and their developmental levels and interests, including children with developmental delays or disabilities, which promote the children's cognitive, educational, social, cultural, physical, emotional, language and recreational development.
2021-09-29 Violation 418-1.8(k)(3)(i) Corrected
Brief Description: for children between ages 18 months old and 36 months old: there must be one teacher for every five children;
2021-09-29 Violation 418-1.8(k)(4)(i) Corrected
Brief Description: for 3-year-old children: there must be one teacher for every seven children;
2021-09-29 Violation 418-1.5(a) Corrected
Brief Description: Suitable precautions must be taken to eliminate all conditions in areas accessible to children which pose a safety or health hazard.
2021-09-29 Violation 418-1.7(c) Corrected
Brief Description: Each program must provide a sufficient quantity and variety of materials and play equipment appropriate to the ages of the children and their developmental levels and interests, including children with developmental delays or disabilities, which promote the children's cognitive, educational, social, cultural, physical, emotional, language and recreational development.
2021-09-29 Violation 418-1.8(k)(3)(i) Corrected
Brief Description: for children between ages 18 months old and 36 months old: there must be one teacher for every five children;
2021-09-29 Violation 418-1.8(k)(4)(i) Corrected
Brief Description: for 3-year-old children: there must be one teacher for every seven children;
2021-03-12 Violation 418-1.11(c)(1) Corrected
Brief Description: The licensee must prepare a health care plan on forms furnished by the Office. Such plan must protect and promote the health of children. The health care plan must be on site, followed by all staff and available upon demand by a parent or the Office. In those instances in which the program will administer medications, the health care plan must also be approved by the program's health care consultant unless the only medications to be administered are:

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


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Review Policy: does not actively screen or monitor user reviews, nor do we verify or edit content. Reviews reflect only the opinion of the writer. We ask that users follow our review guidelines. If you see a review that does not reflect these guidelines, you can email us. We will assess the review and decide the appropriate next step. Please note – we will not remove a review simply because it is negative. Providers are welcome to respond to parental reviews, however we ask that they identify themselves as the provider.

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