Bethesda Baptist Church Childcare Center - Ellerslie GA Child Care Learning Center

3830 GA Hwy 85 , ELLERSLIE GA 31807
(706) 561-1997
3 Reviews

About the Provider

Description: The Child Care Center is a ministry of Bethesda Baptist Church. While child care is a very important part of a child's early development years, we recognize that a child's immediate family is the strongest influence on a child's growth and development. We welcome the opportunity to be an extension of your family and encourage your participation as a parent in our programs. Just as you do, we want your child to receive the best care in a secure, safe, and loving environment.

Additional Information: Has Drop In Care; Has School Age Summer Care; Has Special Needs Care; Has Drop In Care; Has School Age Summer Care; Has Special Needs Care; Financial Info: Multi-Child Discount;

Program and Licensing Details

  • License Number: CCLC-2426
  • Capacity: 232
  • Age Range: Infant (0 -12 months), Toddler (13 months - 2 years), Preschool (3 years - 4 years), School Age (5+)
  • Achievement and/or Accreditations QualityRated_Participant;
  • Rate Range Under 1 year - $165.00|1 year - $165.00|2 years - $165.00|3 years - $165.00|4 years - $165.00|5 years & older - $165.00
  • Quality Rated Star: 1
  • Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
  • Type of Care: Before-school Program|After-school Program; Full Time
  • Transportation: To/From School

Location Map

Inspection/Report History

Where possible, ChildcareCenter provides inspection reports as a service to families. This information is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed. We encourage families to contact the daycare provider directly with any questions or concerns, as the provider may have already addressed some or all issues. Reports can also be verified with your local daycare licensing office.

Report DateArrival TimeReport Type
2023-07-2711:10 AMMonitoring Visit
2023-06-2102:00 PMIncident Investigation & Follow Up
2023-06-0111:55 AMPOI Follow Up
2023-03-1403:00 PMIncident Investigation & Follow Up
2023-02-2301:05 PMLicensing Study
2022-08-1111:15 AMMonitoring Visit
2022-03-1001:45 PMLicensing Study
2022-02-0207:35 AMIncident Investigation Closure
2022-01-2007:35 AMIncident Investigation-Monitoring Visit
2021-11-1208:10 AMIncident Investigation Closure
2021-11-0508:10 AMIncident Investigation & Follow Up
2021-07-2910:00 AMMonitoring Visit
2021-02-1109:30 AMLicensing Study
2020-08-1310:00 AMMonitoring Visit
2020-02-0512:00 PMLicensing Study

If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.


Lauren 2022-08-26 19:29:03
I have used this provider for less than 6 months

I would strongly encourage not to put your child here. I dealt with the unthinkable this week. My 4 month old baby came home with injuries from daycare. He had a gash on his elbow and a bruise on his ear. The next day I called the director and was told “the teacher noticed his elbow but not the bruise. He probably rolled in the crib and hit his head on the side”. If a 4 month old was developmentally capable of rolling so hard as to bruise themselves, I’m sure there would have been a lot of crying. So someone should’ve noticed. Secondly, the parent should always be notified of any kind of injury. The director, Kim Smith, was very dismissive and acted like she didn’t care at all. If this wasn’t abuse, it was certainly neglect. After withdrawing my child, she implied it was somehow my fault for not inspecting my child there at pick up and notifying the teacher then. But per their policy (which I was not informed of when registering him), parents are not allowed in the classroom. You are made to stand at the door and then leave when your child is handed to you. The teacher did rudely confront me about this policy after I attempted to change my sons diaper. The reason behind this rule being germs on shoes, however all the employees walk from the parking lot straight into the room. So where was I supposed to inspect him at? I asked to see video footage from the room, and I was told there are no cameras (when their website clearly states they have cameras placed around the facility for safety). Not to mention the teachers would be sitting around talking and gossiping while multiple babies were crying. So please do not trust this daycare with your babies.

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T. W. 2020-10-22 05:07:30
I have used this provider for more than 6 months

I surely hope that if you decide to use this daycare center that your child fits their mold perfectly and does not do anything that normal children their age does. My sweet little three year old boy was kicked out of this daycare center because he ran out of a gate that their staff left open. They say my son opened the gate and ran out of it. It's a 4 foot fence and the latch is on top of the fence, my son is 3 and small for his age and can't reach the top of a 4 foot fence so obviously someone left the gate open so children could run out into the parking lot. When my curious son ran out of an open gate and had to be chased for a minute in the parking lot they kicked him out of their daycare center and blamed him for the open gate. Here you have grown adults blaming a defenseless 3 year old boy for their neglect. Then I was told in a fit of desperation by the staff that my little boy was running around telling other children "I'm gonna cut you" like he some kind of gang member thug. My son has never uttered words of that nature in my home or my presence, he doesn't even know what "I'm gonna cut you" means. They also said my son, who came home with bite marks on him more than once, was spitting. He has never spit at my house and I have never seen him spit. If my son learned any of these things he learned them at this daycare center, he certainly doesn't do them at my house. Thank God my son does not have to go to this daycare center any longer to be abused by neglectful staff who can't even handle a 3 year old boy who doesn't weight 25 pounds. He will be better off now that he is away from these horrible "so called" professional daycare workers. Good luck to you if your children go there and keep an eye out, once they have deemed your child a problem they will fabricate anything necessary to collaborate their story, no matter how ridiculous they sound. The last daycare my son attended had to close down due to covid but at that daycare we never had one single disciplinary report in 2 years, according to those professionals, he was perfect.

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Exceptional Childcare 2016-05-13 02:00:21
I have used this provider for more than 6 months

I absolutely love this childcare facility. Everyone is friendly and welcoming. I feel comfortable knowing that I am leaving my child in a safe and secured environment with staff that seems to truly enjoy their job and the children. My child's teacher definitely does a fantastic job with her and ensures that her (as well as the other kids in the class) needs are met and she feels a sense of affection. It is very organized and clean. Since my child has been attending this daycare she has learned a lot and I love the fact that their learning is based on a christian curriculum. I can tell that my child enjoys it here and is learning beyond her potential. The services, staff, and facility are superb! You are guaranteed to love it here! I couldn't see my child anywhere else.

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Review Policy: does not actively screen or monitor user reviews, nor do we verify or edit content. Reviews reflect only the opinion of the writer. We ask that users follow our review guidelines. If you see a review that does not reflect these guidelines, you can email us. We will assess the review and decide the appropriate next step. Please note – we will not remove a review simply because it is negative. Providers are welcome to respond to parental reviews, however we ask that they identify themselves as the provider.

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